11 Habits To Avoid During Pregnancy

During pregnancy you should take precautions to protect your health and that of your child. Find out what routines you should modify.

If you are in the sweet waiting of pregnancy, surely you should modify some routines to take care of your health and that of your baby. Next we will present you what are the habits to avoid during pregnancy. Do not miss them!

On a day-to-day basis, we tend to carry out endless activities that, in some cases, are not exactly good or healthy. When you are pregnant, it is important to be aware of these habits to avoid possible problems for the baby. Surely the doctor has already given you these instructions but just in case, we will repeat them!

Habits to avoid during pregnancy

1. Smoking

One of the first tips that we usually hear as soon as we start looking for a pregnancy is “quit smoking now.” According to data from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, smoking during pregnancy can affect the development of the baby. Among the main problems that tobacco could produce in children we find:

  • Low birth weight
  • Increased risk of preterm birth.
  • Increased malformations of the face, limbs, kidney, or heart.
  • Decreased lung function of the baby.
  • Increased risk of sudden death.

2. Drink alcohol

Pregnant with a drink

Another habit to avoid during pregnancy is drinking alcohol. If you used to go out for drinks with friends, keep in mind that from now on you should switch to water or other non-alcoholic beverages, such as must.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns about the risks of consuming alcohol during pregnancy. This is because alcohol passes directly through the bloodstream until it reaches the baby, for whom this liquid is highly toxic. Children repeatedly exposed to alcohol can suffer:

  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: encompasses a series of physical, cognitive and mental development problems.
  • Growth and / or development delays
  • Brain dysfunctions
  • Facial abnormalities.

3. Eat raw fish

Eating sushi or any other dish that includes raw fish during pregnancy could put your little one at risk. Did you know that you can suffer from poisonings or infections caused by parasites present in raw fish?

Consult with your doctor and follow their instructions in this regard. Getting seriously ill from anisakis, for example, could put your pregnancy and your health in danger.

4. Drink little water

Doctors recommend drinking 2 liters of water a day but, let’s face it, many times we do not comply with these amounts. Being dehydrated during pregnancy can cause you more tiredness, cramps, constipation, and heartburn. However, the consequences for your baby may be greater:

  • Quality and quantity problems of amniotic fluid.
  • Increased risk of preterm birth.
  • Diseases of the placenta, an organ composed mainly of water.

5. Suffering from long-term stress

Stressed woman at work

Today’s life leads us to do a thousand things a day. Are you stressed out? Without a doubt, this is another of the habits to avoid during pregnancy. Try to relax, for this you can do physical activities such as swimming or yoga for pregnant women.

Research has concluded that pregnant women who experience stress for a long period of time have a higher risk of their baby developing physical or mental illnesses, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

6. Eat raw meat and sausages

The bacteria that cause toxoplasmosis and salmonella can be transmitted through the consumption of raw or undercooked meat (not only carpaccio but also serrano ham, among other varieties). Although this disease may not be serious for you, it could lead to malformations in your baby.

7. Eat raw eggs

Think of the omelette, how do you like it? If the egg is not well cooked, you should be careful, as it could transmit salmonella, a disease that during pregnancy can be serious, even causing an abortion. Also be careful with mayonnaise and other preparations made from raw eggs.

8. Eat unpasteurized dairy

Among the habits to avoid during pregnancy is also not to eat “raw” dairy. This is because unpasteurized dairy can contain bacteria and, among others, cause listerosis, a disease that can cause problems in your baby and even cause an abortion.

9. Eat an unbalanced diet

Pregnant woman preparing healthy food

A diet based on fat and sugar is not nutritious. In fact, it wouldn’t be good for you even if you weren’t pregnant. During pregnancy, you should also avoid those foods with saturated fat and empty calories to avoid gaining too much weight.

This recommendation goes beyond aesthetics: excessive weight gain is associated with the development of problems such as high blood pressure (and the corresponding risk of pre-eclampsia) and gestational diabetes, among others.

10. Drink too much coffee

Although the American College of Obstetricians Gynecologists (ACOG) maintains that no relationship has been found between preterm labor and abortion with a moderate intake of coffee during pregnancy (less than 200 mg daily), other research concluded that an intake greater than 200 mg could increase risk.

11. Travel by plane

Actually, traveling by plane is not contraindicated in safe pregnancies, but you should always consult with your doctor before embarking on the adventure! During the first three months and the last two of pregnancy, specialists usually recommend avoiding flights.

If your pregnancy is risky, surely they will not allow you to fly during the entire pregnancy to protect your child. Check with your doctor before buying the ticket!

Ask your doctor what are the habits to avoid during pregnancy, take note and follow his advice! Take care of your health and that of your baby. And if at some point avoiding these routines becomes difficult for you, think that in just a few months you will have your beautiful baby in your arms.

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