12 Ideal Infusions To Increase Defenses

In winter it is advisable to make sure we drink enough liquid throughout the day to stay well hydrated.

You are unwell, it’s cold, and you want to get relief. For this reason, it is possible that apart from following medical treatment, you look for several methods to feel better and you wonder what would be the ideal infusions to increase the defenses both to improve as soon as possible and to avoid relapsing and having a bad time again.

During the fall and winter it is common for you to get sick more than once. The cold is not exactly what “makes you sick”, although it is a factor closely associated with colds, colds and, of course, the flu.

If you add humidity, inadequate nutrition, insufficient hydration, little rest and a lot of stress to the cold outside temperatures, it is possible that discomfort is looming around every corner. 

To help you stay well hydrated, warm and comforted, below we will share the ideal infusions to increase your defenses. Don’t stop taking note!

The great role of the immune system and defenses in health

immune system support

The immune system has the function of protecting us from pathogens. This group includes viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.

The defenses identify the aggressors and fight them. They do this through antibodies and white blood cells.

Antibodies, which can be found in blood or other body fluids, are used by the immune system to recognize and block viruses, bacteria, parasites, or fungi.

For their part, white blood cells or leukocytes are the blood cells that are responsible for carrying out the immune response, acting in the defense of the body against antigens and foreign substances.

On certain occasions, the immune system is weakened and that is when the body is most exposed to diseases. Now, what factors are associated with its weakening?

  • Stress.
  • The emotional changes.
  • Nutrient deficiency.
  • Infections caused by viruses and bacteria.

Ideal infusions to increase defenses

Natural infusion to improve defenses.

The following infusions can be consumed in moderation, within a healthy lifestyle, to complement the hydration . According to popular wisdom, they are also useful for increasing defenses naturally.

In this sense, it is worth remembering that if you have the flu or a cold or catarrh, the fact or to keep A good daily hydration will help relieve symptoms (such as headaches) and above all, fluidize and facilitate the expulsion of mucus.

1. Echinacea

One of the main benefits of this plant is its ability to attack viruses, fungi and bacteria.

  • It is considered one of the best natural antibiotics that exists.
  • In addition, it stimulates the immune system, helps in the production of white blood cells and neutralizes the action of pathogenic microorganisms.

2. Boldo

According to popular wisdom, boldo leaves have various medicinal properties that contribute to relief and promote well-being. For this reason, the grandmothers recommend its infusion to increase the defenses in a natural way.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng tea.

With Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) you can prepare one of the ideal infusions to increase your defenses. According to a study published in 1999, the plant “has certain antiviral activity that could be regulated at the immune level.”

4. Cat’s claw

If you are in Latin America, you can take advantage of cat’s claw ( Uncaria tomentosa Willd DC.) To prepare a hydrating infusion that also helps you raise your defenses.

According to some hypotheses, the most outstanding virtue of this herb is its ability to increase defenses. This advantage is due to an alkaloid called isopterpodin and chlorogenic acid. Both improve the work of white blood cells to destroy foreign elements or microorganisms lodged in the blood.

5. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is another plant that has been credited with various medicinal properties. Its extract has been used as an adjunct to the treatment of various diseases, including the flu and the common cold.

This would be because the leaves of this plant contain –among other things– ginkgolide and bilobalide, two antioxidants with a great power.

6. Gentian

According to popular beliefs, the geneciana (belonging to the genus Gentianaceae) is suitable for making an infusion to strengthen the defenses, since it “stimulates” the production of white blood cells, which contributes to the improvement of the immune system.

7. Rooibos

Likewise, it is said that rooibos tea or also known as “South African” contains substances (including polysaccharides and aspalatins) that strengthen the immune system. Antioxidant properties are also attributed to it.

8. Chinese Astragalus

According to popular wisdom, Chinese Astragalus ( Astragalus membranaceus ) also helps increase defenses naturally. 

It is mainly recommended in cases of respiratory infections, flu and colds. Although its consumption has also been recommended in case of stress, anxiety and spring asthenia.

9. H uáng qí

The huáng qí ( Astralagus propinquus or Astralagus membranaceus) is another of the plants that has been associated with the improvement of the immune system. It has a diuretic effect, which is why it also helps stimulate urination and eliminate retained fluids. Its flavonoids, polysaccharides and saponins would be responsible for the plant to provide such advantages.

According to Chinese herbal medicine, Astralagus propinquus would be recommended for people who have colds and flu outbreaks frequently.

10. Mistletoe

The infusion of European or white mistletoe would not only be useful to regulate blood pressure and promote relaxation in case of anxiety and stress, but also to raise the defenses. This is because the plant contains various alkaloids, mucilages, and tannins.

11. Gold seal

According to the MSD Manual, goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis):

12. Pink lapacho ( handroanthus impetiginosus )

Is it enough to drink a cup of infusion?

To obtain relief and recover you should not only drink a cup of the infusion you have chosen. You should also follow the guidelines that the doctor (or failing that, the pharmacist) has given you and, at the same time, maintain good lifestyle habits.

Eat healthy, drink enough water a day, wrap up warm, rest and relax while enjoying your infusion. Get well!

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