3 Natural Keys To Ending Sinusitis

Mucus? Congestion? Headache? We can be almost certain that we suffer from sinustitis when the soft tissues that line the sinuses become inflamed and infected. When the time comes, how do you end sinusitis naturally?

Faced with a case of sinusitis, there are two possibilities. If these symptoms become a common situation, which even lasts more than 12 weeks, it may already be a case of chronic sinusitis and you should see your doctor immediately. On the other hand, if we suffer it after a specific cold or allergy, there is a good chance that it is acute.

In this article we will tell you three natural keys to end acute sinusitis and significantly alleviate or improve chronic sinusitis. Don’t miss out, as it is a condition that most people experience at some point in their lives.

Causes of sinusitis

Knowing the possible causes of sinusitis can be of great help in treating it properly. These are its most common triggers, according to information obtained from the United States National Medical Library:

  • Anatomical issues: For example, deviated septum or enlarged turbinates.
  • Bad habits: A very frequent one is tobacco, in active smokers but also in passive ones.
  • Infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria.
  • Allergies
  • Nasal polyp.
  • Chronic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or diabetes.
  • Tumors

Natural remedies to end sinusitis

1. Mint and eucalyptus mist

Mint and eucalyptus fumes

Vapors are an ancient natural and homemade therapy that consists of inhaling the vapors of certain medicinal plants. The purpose is to decongest the airways and soften and expel accumulated mucus.

To end sinusitis, we have selected two plants that, due to their medicinal properties, are very suitable for improving the functioning of the respiratory system. These are peppermint (which is expectorant and anti-inflammatory, according to this study by the Islamic Azad University of Iran) and white eucalyptus (which is anti-inflammatory, according to this research from the Arab American University of Palestine).

What do we need?

  • A medium saucepan with a lid.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 5 tablespoons of mint and white eucalyptus (50 g).
  • A towel.

How do we do it?

  • We will boil the water with the medicinal plants.
  • When it comes to a boil, we will turn off the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • We will position ourselves with our head on top of the pot, being very careful not to get too close and burn ourselves, and we will put the towel on top of our head to enhance the inhalations.
  • We will remain in this position for 10 minutes, breathing deeply through the nose.
  • The next step is to wash your face with cold water to calm the redness of the skin.

    We can do these steams two or three times a week. As we feel an improvement, we will space the vaporizations until leaving one every week or every fifteen days, as a maintenance.

    2. Irrigations with the nasal lotus

    The nasal lotus

    The Tibetan nasal lota is a plastic or ceramic utensil, similar to a jar, that allows us to introduce a liquid through one of the nostrils and that comes out naturally and without pressure from the other. It is available in herbalists and natural health product stores.

    In this way, it is possible to  clear the airways in a much gentler way than with the syringes that are also used for this purpose.

    When we do this therapy, we must always be with our mouths open, alternating the two sides. This advice is essential to do it correctly.

    We can buy liquids already prepared for this purpose, or we can make our own serum with one part of sea water with two and a half parts of natural water.  Another option is to combine a liter of water with three teaspoons of dissolved sea salt to achieve a pH similar to that of our body.

    3. Garlic, cayenne and ginger every day

    There are three medicinal foods with purifying and mucolytic properties that are very beneficial when it comes to ending sinusitis naturally: garlic, cayenne and ginger.

    For garlic to be therapeutic, we must consume it in its raw state, since it is antibacterial, as this study by Washington State University (United States) affirms. We can add it to foods grated or crushed, such as sauces, stews, vinaigrettes, rice, etc. We can also perform the Tibetan garlic cure or, if it is difficult for us to digest it, buy it in capsules.

    On the other hand, cayenne is a very spicy spice. However, it is very beneficial in treating obesity and diabetes, according to this study by Mashhad University (Iran).

    Cayenne pepper

    In the case of sinusitis, moments after eating it, we will begin to notice how the mucus thins and the body asks us to expel it. We will start with very small amounts, such as a pinch, added to recipes for stews, soups, etc.

    Finally, the exotic ginger root can be used both as a spice (in all kinds of dishes, including meat and fish) and grated. In the latter case, it can be added to sauces, juices, smoothies, cakes or infusions. We can also consume it in powder, for more comfort.

    In short, the options to end sinusitis naturally are several, and very effective. However, if the symptoms do not subside or even if they intensify, do not hesitate to go to your trusted doctor.

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