5 Riddles To Stimulate Your Creative Thinking

Creative or lateral thinking was first introduced in the 1990s by the psychologist Edward de Bono. Today, this way of thinking and reasoning is increasingly valued. That is why it tries to promote especially at the educational level.

People always tend to think in a strictly logical way.  Faced with a problem, we immediately look for the most obvious answer without evaluating, on occasions, other more original dimensions that could be more useful to us.

Unfortunately, these are situations we see ourselves in every day. Moments in which stress or anxiety can make us feel blocked and lose that spark of originality, there where creative or lateral thinking would be so useful.

As a consequence, to give you an example of this way of reasoning, we want to propose 5 original riddles that will surely amuse you. In the same way, they will make you see things from another point of view. You dare?

First step: develop your creative or lateral thinking


You will be surprised to know that this riddle is used by Chinese educational institutions in elementary school entrance exams. And you know what? Six-year-olds solve it in seconds, thanks precisely to their creative thinking or lateral thinking. As we get older, these types of puzzles become much more complicated because we approach them from a logical point of view.

Do you dare with him? There goes the question:  In which parking space is the car in the illustration parked?

Riddle 2: The Hat and the Carrot

Now we go to another situation. Imagine that, after a long drive, you arrive at the home of a relative. You get out of the car, put on your jacket to keep warm, and when you turn to the right, you see something strange in the garden of that house.

What are a carrot and a hat doing there? You can’t understand it. How about we think about it carefully 2 minutes before giving you the solution?

Riddle 3: The Man at the Bar


Now we are now going to dive into another situation. We are in a bar and a random man comes in and walks up to the bar to ask the bartender for a glass of water. The latter stares at it for a few seconds, then bends down and picks up something that was hidden inside the bar: it is a weapon. She holds it and points directly at the face of that man who, with a broken voice, has asked her for water.

Then, seeing the waiter pointing at him, the man takes a deep breath, thanks him, and leaves. What has happened?

Riddle 4: A Dead Man in the Field

We are in the middle of the field, a desolate place where the lifeless body of a man lies. Next to it there is a kind of closed box. Now think for 2 minutes what could have happened and remember, use your creative or lateral thinking.

Riddle 5: The Lonely Man

Now we are going to meet a man. He lives alone, he lives without any company in an equally lonely setting where he hardly ever receives visitors. However, there is a certain day when he makes a mistake.

Without realizing it, all the lights in his house go out and, when he goes outside, he discovers to his horror that 90 people have died. Then he begins to cry inconsolably, because he is the only one to blame for such a disaster.

What has happened?


  1. The space number is 87. You should see the parking lot as if you were actually parking your car.
  2. The carrot and the hat are from a snowman that has already melted.
  3. In this case, the man who asked for water had hiccups and the waiter wanted to scare him into passing it.
  4. The man has fallen from a plane, next to him is the unopened parachute.
  5. In this riddle the man was working on a lighthouse. When the lights went out, a ship hit the rocks.

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