5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Baby’s Hair

Taking care of your baby’s hair is part of the hygiene routines from the day it reaches your arms. Whether born with hair or not, the head area needs to be groomed and treated gently. But it doesn’t have to be difficult. In this article we will explain 5 tips to take care of your baby’s hair

How to care for your baby’s hair

Items for the baby.

Baby’s hair is soft and delicate  like everything on his body. Here we explain the fundamental tips to take care of it properly.

Read this article: Care in the first months of the baby

1. Wash with the right products

From the first day the baby comes home, the bath routine should include washing the hair and scalp. You can do it every two or three days.

To avoid allergies, redness or itching you need to wash it with the right products, generally shampoos or gels with a neutral pH that will not irritate your eyes.

2. Attention to cradle cap

Baby laughing.

Cradle cap is common in newborn babies and can last up to 3 years of age. Despite the name,  it is not related to the consumption of milk, feeding or hygiene of the baby. It is a childhood seborrheic dermatitis that appears as scales or crusts on the scalp.

It is not itchy or contagious, plus it tends to heal spontaneously.

Avoid brushing the area with force, use a soft bristle brush, after bathing. Sometimes when the scales fall they can bring some of your baby’s hair with them. Likewise, the scalp can be massaged with almond or olive oil.

3. Detangles and dries well

Detangling the hair is part of the tips to take care of your child’s hair. Dry your hair well after bathing, especially if you are going to put it to sleep right after, and use the brush to gently detangle it. If you want you can include a little baby conditioner.

4. Avoid bras, rubber bands or caps

Mothers dream of the day when we will fill our girls’ hair with beautiful accessories. But for this we must wait until the baby’s hair and scalp are strengthened and healthy. During this period, avoid tying the hair while it is wet. If you have a baby boy and you have just bathed him, avoid putting caps or hats on him if his hair is still wet.

Baby’s hair is usually very fine and  any accessory that retains moisture can damage it. The same happens with very tight tires, which will tend to break it.

Discover: Tips for your children’s hair to grow strong and beautiful

5. The first cut

Mother with her naked baby wrapped in a blanket.

At any time, you will need to give it your first cut to match the tips and bangs. The main thing is not to make him nervous. Choose a time when the baby is relaxed, for example, after a bath. Do not be scared if there is a slight loss of hair, it is totally normal.

If you have any doubts, go immediately to a specialist and they will tell you the best way to do it. In any case, do not shave your baby’s hair, believing that it will grow more abundantly or thicker. That is a myth that does not correspond to reality at all.

Final detail

Make  hair washing, drying and brushing  fun  for your child. Don’t force a situation that makes them feel discomfort or pain. With patience and love and these tips, your baby’s hair will grow healthy and strong.

Also read: 8 tips to connect with your child through play


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