7 Signs That Tell You That You Are Doing Your Exercise Routine Wrong

If the exercise routine is not yielding the expected results, it is advisable to consult with a coach or a specialist in the field to correct shortcomings and , mainly, prevent injuries.

Making the decision to exercise regularly is one of the best ways to lose weight, improve fitness, and promote overall well-being. Now, what happens when pains appear after the exercise routine?

In the quest for quick results, many people make certain mistakes that can diminish the benefits of training. In fact, these sometimes lead to injuries or physical problems that can lead to inability or difficulty in complying with routine planning.

Signs of problems with exercise routine

For the reasons discussed above, we have compiled seven signs that will allow you to identify if you are doing your exercise routine incorrectly. Find out about them and pay more attention in the future!

1. Permanent tiredness


It is normal to have symptoms of tiredness during or shortly after training. However, when it lasts for several days and reduces productivity in other activities, it can indicate that you are exceeding in your practice.

In this sense, a study published by the Sports Medicine magazine indicates that if an athlete is not able to fully recover after 72 hours, they may suffer from overtraining syndrome.

The body needs a certain period of rest to be able to recover before returning to a new workout. Due to this, it is important to execute a routine according to the individual physical capacity and, of course, to dedicate an opportune time for its recovery.

2. Pains during training

The body experiences certain discomforts when you submit it to highly physically demanding exercises. However, these should not be confused with severe pain that can be the sign of injury.

  • Poor performance of the exercise, or doing it without prior physical preparation, can lead to muscle tears and other discomforts that require attention.
  • Failure to listen to the body in the face of these manifestations can lead to disabling injuries that will force the person to suspend activity indefinitely.

3. Inability to finish the exercise routine


When you do not know how to execute the exercise routine correctly, you can reach a point where you feel unable to finish it. Sometimes, the demand of some activities is too much and, when doing others, you experience so much fatigue that you cannot finish.

  • The same happens when you perform the exercises incorrectly: you wear out certain muscles prematurely and thus you may notice discomfort or wear before finishing the routine.

    4. Little desire to train

    The body always expresses what bothers it. So when you don’t get enough rest or can’t recover before a new workout, chances are you won’t feel like exercising more.

    In fact, the Sports Medicine study cited above indicates that lack of motivation is a symptom of burnout syndrome in athletes. This syndrome is often caused by over training or competitive pressure.

    • It is essential to identify the reasons for demotivation in order to take action on it.
    • If it is due to an excess of exercise, the ideal thing is to take a few days of rest so that the muscles recover completely.

    5. Constant injuries


    When you do not have much experience exercising, it is best to have the supervision of a professional trainer, who has the ability to correct mistakes that can cause injury.

    Suffering severe pain, muscle damage or any type of physical injury is the clearest sign of a poor performance of the exercise routine. This often occurs from increasing loads without having sufficient preparation. It can also be caused by poor posture when exercising or using gym machines incorrectly.

    6. There is no increase in physical endurance

    As time passes and you train, physiological adaptations – cardiovascular, muscular, and other types – occur in the body that improve physical capacity. This is explained in an article published by the Revista Española de Cardiología .

    However, it may happen that, despite efforts, strength and physical endurance remain minimal.

    • The normal thing is for the body to get used to the routine and gradually increase its ability to lift weight or do a high-demand activity with less effort.
    • If this happens, it is best to consider a change in the training plan to generate new stimuli that increase the demand for the body and provoke new adaptive reactions.

    7. Too much time in the gym


    Many people think that they can reach their goals faster if they spend three or more hours in the gym. However, far from being beneficial, this can have several detrimental effects, as stated by research published by The Physician and Sportsmedicine magazine . To plan your routine, keep the following in mind:

    • A good workout can be done in a period of 45 to 60 minutes.
    • The idea is to get a good muscle work without overloading the muscles.
    • Training excessively does not increase calorie expenditure  or result in increased fat burning.
    • This bad habit causes muscle wasting and increases the risk of injury.

    Perform your exercise routine calmly and wisely

    Do you feel identified with any of these signs? If you realize that you are making mistakes in your exercise routine, try to correct them so that they do not take a toll on you later.

    If you have doubts about it, consult a trained coach and clarify it before carrying out your training again. It is not a minor matter: in addition to learning a good technique for each job, you should know that rest is also an important part of the process!

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