7 Tips To Help You Eliminate Chaps

The combination of cardiovascular exercises with lymphatic massages and dry skin peels can help reduce chaps.

Eliminating chaps – also called cartridge belts – is the goal of many people who seek to show off a slimmer body in line with their normal body mass index. It is also for those who want to take care of themselves and lead an active lifestyle, in general. 

Colloquially, chaps are called the accumulation of fat that forms in the lower part of the hips or the upper part of the thighs. Its appearance is not only determined by the type of diet that is followed, but by the physical activity that is carried out daily, in addition to heredity.

These accumulations of fat are one of the most common cosmetic problems that exist. Fortunately, it can be remedied by practicing good lifestyle habits.

7 tips to reduce chaps

The best way to work the body, lose weight (or maintain it) is by exercising daily and eating a balanced diet. However, these good lifestyle habits can be complemented with other measures, such as those that we will discuss below.

Exfoliation with coffee and sea salt

Home beauty items.

The first step to eliminate the fat that accumulates in a stubborn area is to perform a gentle exfoliation once a week. In this way, cell regeneration and circulation are activated and cellulite and flaccidity are fought.

To do this, it is recommended to use a different scrub than those used for the skin or other delicate parts. For example, you can take advantage of coffee grounds, walnut flour or oatmeal to rub the area gently, using a circular motion.

At the end of the massage, the body is rinsed with plenty of water and a good moisturizer is applied with a good massage.

Dry brushing

Dry brushing is another very simple technique that has similar effects to a lymphatic massage. Mainly, it is used to activate blood flow and promote the elimination of retained fluids.

It is believed to be done 2 to 3 times a week, using a thick bristle brush. Be careful, the fact that a brush of these characteristics is used does not mean that you have to rub vigorously. On the contrary, you always have to do it delicately.

Massage with oils

Health and beauty tips with coconut oil

If we acquire the habit of exfoliating and brushing the skin, we must also deeply hydrate it to prevent it from drying out.

With a good vegetable oil we can nourish the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks (or if these are already present, we will help to hide them). Among the most recommended are almond oil and coconut oil. Although there are those who make mixtures of these with a few drops of essential oil of lemon, rosemary and lavender.

Contrast showers

Contrast showers that are performed alternating hot and cold water are the best way to activate circulation, reduce oiliness and improve the firmness and appearance of the skin. Therefore, they are an aid in removing chaps.

To walk

CaCo method: lose weight by walking

Walking is an activity that can help eliminate chaps progressively. For this reason, there are those who walk 30 or 40 minutes a day at a fast pace, to get rid of those unsightly fat deposits.

It can also be helpful to combine those 30-40 minutes of walking with other exercises, such as yoga, Pilates, or Tibetan exercises. Although you could also opt for zumba or some sport.

Cardiovascular exercise

In any plan to keep fit and burn localized fat, we must incorporate cardiovascular exercises. Aerobic dancing, swimming, and cycling exercise our hips and thighs, which helps eliminate chaps and other fat deposits here and there.

Exercises to stretch and tone

In addition to reducing the fat that accumulates in the hips, we must also perform toning exercises to prevent flaccidity. Activities with weights, machines, and elastic bands are very effective. It is also essential to get into  the habit of stretching before and after  each session.

We will focus, in particular, on stretching the lateral muscles of the body to help shape the figure and have more elasticity.

To eliminate the chaps!

As we have seen, with good lifestyle habits and some simple tricks it is possible to eliminate chaps and improve our physical condition. 

Obviously, the perfect combination to feel and look good is to do physical activity daily, maintain a healthy and balanced diet, rest properly and take care of ourselves in every way.

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