8 Spices That You Can Use To Substitute Salt

Since excessive consumption of salt in the diet can have a negative impact on health, many people have looked for a way to substitute salt with various spices. Do you know them? In case you don’t, don’t worry, we will present them all to you below.

Salt is one of the ingredients that we usually include in preparations, since it is ideal to enhance the flavor of other foods and achieve unique seasonings. In fact, sodium, in minimal doses, helps the body balance electrolyte levels and other important health processes.

The problem is that, often and without realizing it, we tend to ingest it in excessive quantities and, ignoring its negative effects, we add it to almost all dishes.

While it may seem harmless at first, over time this can lead to the development of discomforts such as fluid retention and kidney disease.

Because of this it is essential to limit your daily intake. For this we can reduce the consumption of foods that contain it and choose to use other spices when cooking.

8 spices that can substitute for salt

According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is essential to limit your daily salt intake to avoid developing health problems. 

To get started with it, we can reduce the consumption of foods that contain it and choose to use other spices when cooking. Below we will discuss some of the most recommended options for day to day.

1. Garlic

Wooden spoon with peeled garlic cloves.

Garlic is a food that can be used to flavor various dishes. It has a very particular taste that does not go unnoticed and that also enhances other flavors and combines very well with different ingredients. For a reason, it is the star seasoning of the Mediterranean diet. 

Its delicious flavor is perfect to enhance the flavor of:

  • Red and white meats.
  • Fish and shellfish.
  • Stews and soups.

2. Onion

Like garlic, onion (raw or powdered) is also an excellent substitute for salt. It helps to get very tasty preparations and, in addition, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), this food contains proteins, potassium, vitamin C, flavonoids and different sulfur compounds

We can add onion to:

  • Rice.
  • Tortillas.
  • Salads
  • Croquettes.
  • Soups and stews.
  • Meat and fish.
  • Sauteed vegetables.

3. Black pepper

Black pepper

Although it is often used in conjunction with salt, it can actually be a good substitute for it as well. Thus, we can add a touch of black pepper to the preparations when we want to avoid adding salt. 

According to the FEN, pepper contains some proteins, in addition to calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and C and piperine.

On the other hand, the FEN also indicates that black pepper is the spiciest of all varieties, because to obtain it, the fruit is harvested when it has not yet fully matured (yellow), and is dried in the sun for a week, or Over fire, which is when it turns black and wrinkled

Its delicious flavor goes very well with meats, fish, stews, sauces, dressings and all kinds of recipes.

4. Oregano

Known for its medicinal properties, oregano is a very aromatic and delicious spice that can replace salt in various preparations.

Oregano is credited with antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is considered that its regular consumption can contribute to the health of the entire organism.

5. Cumin

Cumin to naturally treat flatulence

A little cumin in the dishes can give a very interesting flavor when you want to limit the consumption of salt. In fact, cumin is said to contain antioxidant substances that can provide health benefits. It also has carminative properties that help relieve stomach discomfort and flatulence.

We can use this spice in:

  • Rice.
  • Vegetables.
  • Soups and stews.
  • Meat and fish.

6. Anise

Anise has a particular flavor that goes very well in the preparation of recipes with meats and vegetables. In addition, the multiple nutritional properties of this ingredient, among other things, help improve the digestion of food.

There are those who consume the infusion of anise both to prevent and to alleviate stomach discomfort related to the accumulation of gases, heavy digestion and binge eating.

7. Ginger

Making a ginger infusion

Known for its anti-inflammatory, digestive and antioxidant properties, ginger is another interesting proposal to start reducing your salt intake. It has high concentrations of a substance known as gingerol that, in addition to its particular spicy flavor, gives it its main medicinal benefits.

We can add it in:

  • Salads
  • Stews and soups.
  • Breads and cookies.
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothies.


Turmeric is a well-known spice in gastronomy, not only for its particular flavor, but for that orange color it gives to dishes. Also for its antioxidant and curcumin content. It is an excellent option to season meals, without using salt.

In addition, its anti-inflammatory, digestive and antibacterial properties help improve health and protect cells against various disease-causing agents.

Use turmeric as a substitute for salt in dishes like:

  • Rice.
  • Vegetables.
  • Soups and stews.
  • Sauces and dressings.
  • Vegetable salads.

Ready to substitute the salt?

Do you prepare all your dishes with salt? If so, choose one of the spices mentioned to replace it and discover that you can get good flavors, without putting your health at risk.

Keep in mind that, although it is not always possible to completely eliminate salt from the diet, it is possible to try to keep it to a minimum.

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