9 Myths About Pregnancy

Myths about pregnancy can vary from generation to generation and are part of the culture of each region. Each culture, according to its beliefs, has its own myths.

Myths about pregnancy

In relation to food

 “Since I am pregnant, I must eat for two”

Since I am pregnant, I must eat for two

The myth that a pregnant woman should eat for two is one of the oldest and most common. You do not have to eat for two, but rather maintain a balanced diet that can provide both mother and baby with everything your body needs.

Spicy food hurts the baby

It is proven that the consumption of spicy food does not directly affect the baby. However, it can cause reflux or heartburn problems for the mother.

In the third trimester, it is common for pregnant women to feel upset stomach as the growth of the uterus presses on the stomach, causing acid to move up the esophagus. Ultimately, this belief is false.

“Strong-flavored vegetables are bad for baby”

The consumption of fruits provides the body with essential vitamins and minerals for the proper development of the fetus. There are no studies that prove that the ingestion of vegetables and legumes with strong flavor causes harm to the fetus.

In the event that the pregnant woman is diagnosed with intolerance, her doctor will indicate how she should act in this regard.

In relation to the exercise

“Exercising during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage

Exercises in pregnancy decrease the risk of cesarean section

Sport has benefits for human beings in all phases of their life. It has been determined that the mother’s exercise does not pose risks to the fetus and that it could have beneficial effects on the baby. Of course, the expectant mother should avoid impact sports. Thus, this belief also turns out to be false.

In relation to sexual activity

“Penetration can upset or hurt the baby”

The belief that the fetus can be harmed during sexual intercourse is very common. Today, specialists in gynecology and psychology certify that maintaining an active sex life during pregnancy can bring great benefits.

With this, premature births, the rupture of the amniotic sac and even sexually transmitted infections are avoided. Therefore, this belief is completely false.

Myths about cravings and symptoms in the father

Men can feel the same symptoms as their partners when they are pregnant. These symptoms can be: dizziness, mood swings and so-called cravings for certain foods, as well as hormonal changes. This is called a copycat pregnancy. This myth is true.

A recent study published in the journal  Medical Science Monitor indicates that the appearance of pregnancy symptoms in men is more common than is believed. Approximately 72% of future parents suffer at least one of the symptoms.

It is called pregnancy by imitation, solidarity or empathic ; but the official term is “Couvade syndrome.”

Other myths

If you have heartburn, the baby will be born with a lot of hair

If you have heartburn, the baby will be born with a lot of hair

The cause that generates hair growth in the fetus is hormonal and physiological. In other words, the amount of hair the baby has has no relation to the mother’s heartburn. Therefore, this belief is completely false.

One of the true causes of heartburn in pregnant women is increased estrogen levels. This increase can cause heartburn, a burning sensation that rises from the stomach to the pharynx as a result of the regurgitation of acid-laden stomach fluid.

“If your nose swells, it’s a girl”

There is no relationship between the appearance of the mother and the sex of the baby. A swollen nose can be caused by increased estrogen levels by increasing blood flow to the mucous membrane, causing it to expand. Ultimately, this belief is also completely false.

“If your belly is round, you will have a girl; and if it is pointed, it will be a boy “

The shape of a pregnant belly is determined by the uterus, as it grows. If any area appears more prominent than another, it is due to the location and size of the baby, regardless of gender.

To know the sex of the baby, an ultrasound must be performed at 16 weeks of gestation, although the most reliable result is at 22 weeks. Therefore, this belief is also false.


Finally, don’t worry if the myths about pregnancy are true or false. The important thing is that you enjoy your pregnancy, as it is a unique period between the baby and you as a mother. In this case, if you have any doubts, consult your doctor.

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