9 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Eat More Celery

We should all eat more celery. This refreshingly flavored vegetable has so many nutritional benefits that it would be appropriate to include it in our diet on a daily basis. In addition, it offers us multiple possibilities when it comes to consuming it. We can make salads, broths, juices, creams. It is tasty and very satisfying.

Also, and as a curiosity, it is interesting to know that in ancient times this vegetable was used as a medicinal ingredient to treat multiple diseases : liver and heart problems, digestive diseases.

It is clear that by itself it will not be able to solve ailments, but it can promote general well-being. It is simply one of the best foods to include in our dishes. Here are 9 reasons why you should eat more celery. Your health will notice it!

1. Celery is very low in calories and high in nutrients.

Eat more celery to lose weight

If you want to lose weight, celery should be part of your diet. It is one of the vegetables with the least calories that we can find. It only has about 15 calories per 100 grams.

  • It has a high content of water and minerals such as calcium, sodium or magnesium.
  • Among its many vitamins you can find vitamin A, C, E, B6, B12 and vitamin K. Among them, E stands out because it has shown great antioxidant power.
  • Also, we cannot forget its essential oils, fiber and its phytonutrients.

2. You should eat more celery to reduce inflammation

You may currently be suffering from joint pain. Arthritis or simple muscle overloads occur with those inflammations that cause us so much discomfort. Celery is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods you can eat.

These properties are due to polyacetylene. This element helps us eliminate toxins and treat processes such as rheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis or arthrosis, gout, asthma and bronchitis. According to a study published in Phytotherapy Research , the consumption of celery can also be positive for modulating inflammatory syndromes such as metabolic.

3. Celery helps us calm down

Curious, but effective: among the most important minerals that are hidden in the pulp of celery is magnesium. This mineral, along with its essential oils, allows us to relax the nervous system and get a more restorative rest. After a stressful day you can have a good celery soup for dinner.

4. A great alkaline food

Nutritional properties of celery

Celery has alkalizing nutrients that are released when squeezed. It is important to bear in mind that during cooking we lose many of its properties. Thus, to fully benefit from the alkalizing power of celery, it is worth consuming it naturally or in a juice.

5. Celery improves our digestions

A good way to facilitate our digestion and to combat constipation is to prepare a celery and cabbage juice. Its minerals, along with its many acids and phytonutrients, act as wonderful digestive tonics that can also relieve intestinal gas.

It should also be taken into account that it has a significant amount of fiber inside. This has been shown to be able to reduce the incidence of constipation, reducing intestinal discomfort.

6. It’s good for your eyesight

One more reason we should eat more celery is because it is such a fabulous food for our eyes. The reason that this is so is found in that magic vitamin: vitamin A. It is enough to eat a branch of celery a day to get 5% of our daily ration of this nutrient.

7. Helps reduce bad cholesterol

Celery helps us reduce “bad” or LDL cholesterol. If it does, it is thanks to a very special component, a type of photochemical called 3-N-butylphthalide. You will easily recognize it because it is what gives celery that special smell.

8. Lowers blood pressure

Eating more celery helps lower blood pressure

If you have been diagnosed with hypertension and you don’t know how to balance it, take care of your diet. If celery acts as an effective hypotensive it is due once again to the same element that allows us to reduce cholesterol: 3-N-butylphthalide. It is recommended to consume about 2 stalks of celery daily to notice good results.

9. Celery is a good anticancer

We know that, so far, there is nothing that can prevent the development of cancer. However, we can minimize the risk through a healthier diet. Celery contains two very special types of flavonoids: apigenin and luteolin.

These two antioxidants, according to a work published in the Journal of experimental and clinical cancer research , are beneficial when it comes to fighting cancer cells that affect the lungs.

Include celery in your diet

To conclude, as we can see, eating more celery can be incredibly beneficial. However, it is not about following a strict diet based only on a few vegetables, fruits and fiber in order to lose weight or reduce cholesterol.

The key is to eat smartly, without neglecting proteins, without forgetting carbohydrates or healthy fatty acids such as those present in olive oil or nuts.

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