How To Effectively Remove Calluses On Feet?

Calluses are a common aesthetic problem that can be solved by going to the podiatrist and, in parallel, applying some very simple tricks.

Corns on the feet are a cosmetic problem caused by repeated pressure or friction on a point on your skin. They look like a thick raised layer of skin, which may appear pale or yellowish. Do you know how to reduce them naturally?

Although it is best to go to the podiatrist to treat them correctly, it is possible to use some home remedies that give good results when applied regularly and carefully.

Possible causes of corns on feet

Generally, calluses on the feet are usually located in areas such as the heels and toes. They are usually painless and rarely lead to complications. Its main cause is the friction that occurs when wearing tight shoes. However, they can also be given by:

  • Walking barefoot often, on rough terrain or simply outdoors.
  • Practice sports activities with repetitive movements.
  • Wear inappropriate footwear.
  • Do not wear socks.

    Home remedy to remove calluses on feet

    What should you do?

    • Soak your feet in a bowl of hot water (at a bearable temperature) for 10-20 minutes to soften hard, calloused skin.
    • With the pumice stone, gently rub from one side to the other of the affected area for 3 to 5 minutes.
    • Rinse and be sure to dry your feet thoroughly with a clean, dry towel.
    • Apply a moisturizer, let it absorb completely, and you’re done.

    Note: you can add a few drops of coconut, almond, argan or other similar oil to your moisturizer to enhance its moisturizing action. 

    Other remedies to remove corns

    Uses of Vaseline.

    Most of the remedies to eliminate corns revolve around the application of a highly moisturizing oil or product (which can be a cream or another type of ointment, such as petroleum jelly) at night, as this is when it can be left for longer. Act. In addition to applying the corresponding remedy, it is recommended to wear cotton socks to promote deep hydration.

    How to take care of the feet so that they do not have corns?

    In summary, you can reduce calluses on your feet by improving some very simple issues in your day to day:

    • Stop wearing narrow, tight shoes on a daily basis.
    • Always give preference to padded footwear, spacious and comfortable enough.
    • Use the pumice stone carefully after having soaked your feet for a while in warm (or hot water at a bearable temperature) with salt, to remove calluses and remove dead skin cells.
      • It should be noted that this should be done little by little, not trying to eliminate the callus the first time, since rubbing excessively can open the skin and cause wounds.
      • Periodically, after soaking your feet in water for a while, exfoliate them with a gentle product. This will help keep them soft and callus-free.
      • Avoid resorting to the use of baking soda, vinegar, lemon and other related elements, since instead of helping you treat the problem, they can cause skin damage ranging from irritations to complications of infections.
      • The use of aspirin to rub the calluses is not recommended. Even when this is indicated at the popular level, this recommendation has no scientific validity and, like the products already mentioned, can cause you harm.
    • Wear socks (preferably cotton) when wearing closed shoes.
    • Apply moisturizer on your feet regularly.
    • Avoid walking barefoot, especially outdoors.

    Do you have calluses on your feet? So that these hardness do not prevent you from wearing your favorite sandals, do not stop going to the podiatrist. The remedies that we discussed above can help you, but you must be careful.

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