7 Facts All Coffee Lovers Should Know

Do you consider yourself to be in the group of coffee lovers? If as soon as you get out of bed you prepare a good cup of this drink, it is important that you know some information that, surely, you did not know. Although many of them are positive, you should pay attention to others. Ready to discover them?

1. Increases brain activity

Coffee favors an increase in brain activity, that is, it helps the brain to fix and increase its attention to the task that is being carried out. It is a product capable of improving concentration, accelerating people’s reaction, etc. In addition, if you drink coffee with sugar, you will increase this effect even more, since sugar is also a good stimulant. However, be careful with this if you are a diabetic person.

Give up excessive coffee consumption

Something important to get this first of the benefits is not to drink your coffee on an empty stomach. This is because we must bear in mind that it is an irritating drink and can generate heartburn. Therefore, it is always better to eat something before ingesting it.

2. Increases blood pressure

With a single cup of coffee you can combat low blood pressure. However, while coffee is good for people with low blood pressure, it is not so good for those who tend to have tachycardias. In fact, these people should not drink coffee or, if they do, they should not overindulge in it.

There are some people who are known as hypertonic since drinking coffee does not hurt them. Your body adapts to the drink over time due to the accumulation of ingested cups of coffee. However, you have to find a balance and not consume four or five cups of coffee a day.

3. Strengthens the immune system

Coffee is capable of invigorating the immune system, it not only has the ability to activate it but it can make it healthier. Scientists in several countries found that coffee consumption is linked to reduced risk of premature death.

It is also a liquid capable of strengthening the liver, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the optimal amount of coffee you should drink daily is three cups. It is best to drink freshly ground coffee; the soluble version has fewer healthy nutrients and more chemical additives that would have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Relieves headache

The caffeine in natural coffee can help fight headaches and migraines in coffee lovers. Although it could never be a substitute for painkillers, keep in mind that traditional medicines are more efficient because they contain caffeine in addition to other components. This increases the effect of the active substances by 40%.

  • However, this does not mean that coffee lovers begin to overindulge in their consumption. One or two cups will be enough to see the headache reduce a bit.

5. Activates us


Coffee has a stimulating effect on the body. To benefit from it as good coffee lovers, it will be enough to have just one cup of coffee, this is because caffeine is one of the most common stimulants of the central nervous system.

But, this effect of caffeine only occurs if it is obtained by ingesting coffee. For this reason,  the caffeine in tea, soda or chocolate is not capable of stimulating the nerves with the same intensity.

6. Improve memory

Coffee is capable of making our memory noticeably improve. The same stimulators and neurotransmitters with which coffee improves our mood and efficiency have the property of acting on our memory.

Of course, this does not apply to long-term memory. However, this is a minor detail, since all the information we receive is stored in short-term memory and one hour later they are already in long-term memory.

7. It can help you lose weight

Coffee is a drink capable of helping you maintain and reduce your weight. When you have a low level of the hormone leptin, the body causes you to store fat. For its part, caffeine affects the increase in leptin values. For this reason, coffee adept people do not gain weight as fast and exercise is more efficient for them.

Do you consider yourself one of the coffee lovers? We hope this helps you learn more about this drink, although remember to moderate its consumption.

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