4 Natural Solutions To Eliminate Dark Circles

Dark circles make us look tired and, although they are not usually serious, they can be a symptom of a poor diet. Discover how to reduce them with these home remedies.

Beauty is an essential part of a person’s day-to-day life. We are not talking about resorting to extreme treatments or lots of makeup, but to that beauty that each person radiates naturally.

However, there are days when, for one reason or another, we radiate tiredness, exhaustion; We show signs of not having had a good night. It is in these days that we must  fight a public enemy of the beauty of the face, the dark circles.

What are dark circles?

The dark circles appear as dark furrows lodged in the part of the lower eyelid; They can be blue, brown or purple. They are located in this part of the body because the skin is thinner than anywhere else, so it is easier to see the blood vessels underneath.

Causes of dark circles

They are not serious, but they could become a symptom of an important food deficiency or indicate that something in our body is not working properly.

But before we worry, let’s see the most common causes of dark circles :.

  • Tiredness.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Liquid retention.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Iron deficiency anemia.
  • Some medications

Natural remedies to end dark circles

First of all, try to avoid any chemical product in the face area, as it is one of the most sensitive on the entire body. Here we recommend some natural products that will help you get rid of dark circles without endangering your skin.

1. Cucumber

Cucumber to end dark circlesCucumber is one of the foods most used in beauty treatments, all thanks to its components, which include caffeic and ascorbic acids, and vitamin C.

These components are responsible for maintaining healthy skin, relieve irritation and reduce inflammation.


  • 2 slices of cucumber


  • Wash the face well, especially the area where dark circles are concentrated.
  • Place the cucumber slices on the dark circles, one for each eye.
  • Keep them for 10 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, clean the area.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile to end dark circles

We can find chamomile in different presentations. It is characterized by being a very healthy plant with anti-inflammatory properties

To treat dark circles we will resort to small infusion bags. This remedy works best if it is applied twice a week.


  •  2 chamomile tea bags.


  • Wash the face well, especially the area where dark circles are concentrated.
  • Put a bag of chamomile in each eye.
  • Hold for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, clean the area.

3. Milk

Milk to end dark circles

On this occasion we are not going to benefit from the properties of milk when drinking it, but we are going to apply it to the skin.


  • 2 cups of cold milk (500 ml)
  • 2 pads


  • Wash the face well, especially the area where dark circles are concentrated.
  • Wet the pads with the milk, and drain them.
  • Put a pad on each eye.
  • Hold for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, wash your face with water at room temperature.

4. Water

water to eliminate dark circlesAlthough it is one of the least addressed solutions, it is also very effective. In general terms, it is recommended when the person has very delicate skin and cannot support other types of treatment.


  • 1 glass of cold water (200 ml)
  • 2 pieces of cotton


  • Wash the face well, especially the area where dark circles are concentrated.
  • Soak the cottons, and drain them.
  • Put a cotton ball in each eye.
  • Keep about 5 minutes.

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