6 Keys To Lose Weight And Not Fail In The Attempt. You’ll Be Surprised!

Tired of looking for keys to lose weight, apply them and not see the results? It is very likely that you are not taking into account some key points to lose weight effectively and prevent you from regaining them.

To begin with, you have to bear in mind that once fat accumulates it is very difficult to eliminate it again.

However, putting a lot of willpower and discipline into this process, good results can be achieved in the medium and long term.

Today it is known that having a healthy weight is something that goes beyond physical appearance.

People who are overweight or obese are at a high risk of developing various chronic diseases that affect their quality of life in one way or another.

For this reason, losing weight is becoming a necessity for thousands of people, who constantly struggle to obtain good results. In any case, it is always advisable to consult with your doctor before changing your diet.

If you feel identified, you may be interested in knowing the 6 keys to reducing those extra kilos.

Tips or keys to lose weight

1. Avoid temptations

Eliminate key temptations to lose weight

Have you ever checked all those foods that you have in your fridge?

If you have not done it yet, we invite you to do it and add calories.

It’s time for change! Avoid all kinds of foods that may represent a temptation to ruin the diet:

  • Fried
  • Sweet
  • Sausages
  • Canned
  • Frozen
  • Sauces

Instead of these, try to fill the refrigerator with healthy and supportive foods to lose weight, such as:

  • Blue Fish.
  • Fruits of all kinds.
  • Vegetables of all kinds.
  • Milk and derivatives (low in fat).
  • Lean fats
  • Essential fatty acids.

2. Eat 5 times a day

Say no to the myth of losing weight without eating! It is true that some of the famous “miracle diets” can help you lose kilos; however, they sometimes have negative health effects and almost always end in failure.

One of the factors that helps regulate appetite is to distribute for 5 times of the day:

  • Have a good breakfast.
  • Have something light in the middle of the morning.
  • Don’t skip lunch.
  • Have a snack in the afternoon.
  • Light dinner.

The meals should be moderate and with all the nutritional requirements.

In this regard, there is no consensus in science. Some studies indicate that more meals lead to weight loss. Others indicate that this can increase obesity. And there are also studies that do not see a relationship between one thing and another.

3. Increase water consumption


Consuming water is vital to maintaining good health.

Hydrates the entire body, helps maintain good energy and, if that were not enough, supports the weight loss process.

It is necessary to make sure you drink pure water, since a study indicated that if it contains perfluoroalkyl substances, known among scientists as PFAs, it does not help to lose weight, but to gain it.

Water is essential to detoxify the body and provides a feeling of satiety to avoid excessive calorie intake.

Ideally, you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, throughout the day. More than two and a half liters can be harmful.

If you don’t like water alone, you can combine it with healthy drinks such as:

  • Natural smoothies
  • Fruit juices
  • Infusions
  • Fruit waters

4. Eat slowly

The speed with which we eat influences the way in which the body assimilates the food we eat.

It is estimated that it takes up to 20 minutes for the brain to receive the signals of satisfaction after eating, which is why it is better to eat slowly to better regulate the appetite.

In addition, it is important that you chew your food well so that the digestive processes take place optimally and in the right time.

5. Exercise


You’re tired of hearing it, but it’s a must. You don’t have to do a high intensity workout to see results.

With 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity 3 or 4 times a week and another 20 minutes of strength exercises 2 or 3 times a week, you will cause changes in both your health and your weight.

The combination of these two types of exercises helps you burn fat more easily and is the key to gaining muscle mass.

6. Sleep well

You might think that the dream has nothing to do with it, but it actually plays a very important role.

When the quality of sleep is minimal, the production of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress and mood swings, increases.

  • In addition, it increases anxiety about food and this leads to choosing foods with a high calorie content at times where the metabolism is even slower. Several studies corroborate these data.

Ideally, you should sleep the number of hours a day according to your age, without interruptions.

Have you taken note of these keys to lose weight? Adopt healthy lifestyle habits and deal with those extra pounds.

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