9 Tricks To Strengthen Your Heart

It is not necessary to suffer from a heart disease for you to be encouraged to take care of your health. If you want to have energy and strength, as well as enjoy a good mood, all you have to do is maintain good lifestyle habits. Now if you want to strengthen your heart, you can apply some additional tricks.

The heart is the most important muscle you have. The life of every human being depends on it. Therefore, it is worth paying a little attention to it on a day-to-day basis. 

The following tricks constitute, neither more nor less, than small good habits that support the correct functioning of the different organs of the body and whose impact is very significant in the short, medium and long term.

How to strengthen your heart?

To strengthen your heart, it is not enough to attend to one area of ​​your life and neglect the rest.  This means that if you only eat a good diet but never exercise, you can still develop heart problems at some point.

Ideally, you should strive to improve all areas, at the same time, little by little. Perhaps at first it will cost you at first, but then it will be so common and part of your life that it will not even involve any effort. Here are the main tricks to strengthen your heart.

1. Eat foods rich in calcium

The following sources of calcium will help you supplement your diet and obtain this essential nutrient.

  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, arugula, broccoli).
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Low fat cheese.
  • Soy and derivatives.
  • White beans.
  • Almonds
  • Figs
  • Salmon.

According to experts from the Spanish Heart Foundation, maintaining a balanced diet is very beneficial for heart patients. The healthy plate should include fruits, vegetables and vegetables, unsalted nuts, spices and herbs, legumes, eggs, white meat, fish, dairy, whole grains without sugar and olive oil.

2. Don’t forget about antioxidants

Antioxidants are as necessary for the body in general as for our heart.  Stocking up on enough reduces your risk of having a cardiovascular accident.  Get them naturally by increasing the consumption of: 

  • Berries
  • Fruit.
  • Lentils.
  • Apple.
  • Vegetables.
  • Green Tea.
  • Artichokes
  • Dark chocolate.

3. Try the Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet

There are several types of diets in the world, but the Mediterranean is one of the best when it comes to strengthening your heart. And it is that this is based precisely on the recommended foods to obtain vital nutrients . Among its features are: 

  • Regular consumption of nuts.
  • Use of vegetables and fruits of the season.
  • Regular use of healthy fat sources, such as olive oil.
  • Consumption of protein rich in healthy fats: such as blue fish, and various types of meat (chicken, turkey, lamb, among others).

4. Herbs and spices for cooking

The use of spices make it a substitute for table salt in the food preparation process , which reduces the risk of high blood pressure. 

Some recommended herbs are: bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, oregano, parsley, fresh dill, mind, among others.

You can also take advantage of these herbs and spices to give a new and more exotic touch to your recipes. You can prepare those dishes that you like so much and that you know are unhealthy for much better versions.  For example, you can make baked potatoes seasoned with dill, to avoid frying.

5. Increase your potassium intake

Getting enough potassium lowers your risk of heart complications . To strengthen your heart, it is best to consume it directly from its natural sources: banana, broccoli, potato, tomato, pumpkin, apricot.

6. Get enough exercise

Staying active will help you strengthen your heart , be much healthier, and have greater cardiovascular endurance. All this means a considerable reduction in the risk of developing heart attacks.

Among the most recommended exercises are: running, walking and swimming. And as for the minimum periodicity, it is best to exercise 30 minutes, three times a day. However, you can increase the amount of sport as much as you want.

If you are one of those people who are not enthusiastic about exercise and who cannot bear doing the same activity for several weeks, try to design a dynamic routine, with different sports or disciplines. 

He thinks that each modality will help certain areas of the body and  that it is best to combine them to enhance the results. Test: 

  • Yoga.
  • Jogging.
  • Tai Chi.
  • Athletics.
  • Swimming.
  • Stretching .

7. Eat nuts

Walnuts are rich in antioxidants and offer greater benefits to the heart than other nuts, such as: almonds, peanuts and pistachios We recommend consuming a handful of walnuts (5 to 8 walnuts) every day.

To take advantage of their benefits, consume them with other products, such as oatmeal or fruit. Remember that you can make your own homemade granola bars with nuts and various dried fruits.

8. Work on being happy

Relaxed woman meditating on her bed.

A person who is stressed all the time and who is going full on his obligations usually has a tense heart and, in short, on the edge.  Of course we can’t always be happy and completely satisfied, but you can’t just focus on the negative either.

To strengthen your heart, you also need to take care of your psycho-emotional health. To do this, take time to go out with your friends, do fun activities with your family or have good sex with your partner

9. Other things to avoid

To keep your heart healthy and enjoy a good quality of life, you should watch your weight, avoid being overweight, put aside a sedentary lifestyle, minimize the consumption of industrial, ultra-processed foods and junk food. 

Remember, to strengthen your heart, you should not only apply the aforementioned tricks. You should also worry about following your doctor’s instructions. Especially if you have a condition that warrants attention.

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