Tips To Lose Weight Gradually And Lastingly

We give you some keys to help you lose weight with simple tips that will help you lose weight gradually and healthy.

Miracle diets that promise to lose weight in no time often have a rebound effect. That is to say that by pausing the diet, the original weight is regained or even more. Furthermore, diets can be detrimental to health if they lack essential nutrients. Likewise, if the diet is not indicated by a specialized doctor, it may contain substances that, in excess, can be harmful, such as amphetamines.  

In this article we give you some keys to help you lose weight with simple and natural tips. All in all, remember that this is not a diet. These tips alone are not going to help you lose weight, for that you need to exercise regularly and follow a balanced diet. We recommend that you go to a specialist to design the plan that best suits you.

Also read Flaxseed to lose weight naturally

Tips to help you lose weight gradually and lastingly

1. Don’t get too full

This advice that seems so obvious and simple is one of the main keys to achieving a balanced weight.

Our body knows what it needs and when it is satisfied. Generally, we continue to eat out of gluttony, habit or anxiety when, in reality, we already feel satiated. We should stop eating at that point when we could still eat more, but we already feel good.

If we wait a few minutes or have a coffee or tea, that “false hunger” disappears and we feel satisfied and energetic.

2. Chew a lot

Woman eating a banana

Chewing more and better food can help you lose weight. In fact, some studies show that there is a relationship between the speed at which we eat food and obesity.

In addition, eating slowly facilitates digestion and helps us not feel bloated from having eaten too much by allowing the brain to send the signal in time that we are satiated. Try it and you will notice the difference!

3. Try the cayenne

According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, cayenne pepper can be useful for weight loss, since some of its components influence the insulin response. This would make our stomach take longer to empty and therefore we would feel full for longer and eat less, thus helping us lose weight.

However, it was also observed that, especially in older individuals, its consumption in excessively high amounts could cause gastric hypermobility. Although it is not a serious problem, it can be annoying, so we recommend that you include it in your diet with caution.

4. Take advantage of ginger


Ginger is another spicy spice that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries for its many benefits. For example, ginger is a diuretic and facilitates the elimination of liquids. Some studies even suggest that it could be a useful supplement in weight loss by affecting metabolic processes related, among other things, to obesity.

It is ideal to include in all kinds of desserts and you can also add it in small quantities to meat and seafood stews. Also, you can get used to drinking a water-based lemonade with lemon, ginger and stevia, hot or cold.

5. Exercise

Exercising is undoubtedly essential to lose weight. It is important that a specialist in nutrition and sports plan and monitor this activity, since we do not all have the same needs. Therefore, ask for advice when starting an exercise routine.

What not to do if you want to lose weight

Finally, we have decided to add some practices that are popularly considered to help you lose weight, but not only do they not do so, they can even be harmful to your health. So we recommend that you avoid them if you really want to lose weight.

1. Shower in cold water


Woman in shower

It is popularly believed that every time you swim or shower in cold water you force your body to expend more energy to regain heat and balance the temperature, which could help you lose weight.

However, there is no study to support this. In fact, research conducted with athletes shows that cold showers had no real effect on their weight or muscle mass.

2. Eat more protein

There are protein diets that defend that protein requires a significant expenditure of the body to be digested , which is why a little more calories are consumed and weight is lost. However, there are no studies to support this practice or show that protein has any effect on weight.

In fact, this type of diet is discouraged by numerous groups of dietitians and nutritionists, such as the Review, Study and Positioning Group of the Spanish Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists or the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition.

It is best to always follow a balanced diet and not abuse a particular component. We recommend that you always go to your doctor or a nutritionist to advise you on the diet that best suits you and your situation. This way you will lose weight and stay healthy.

In conclusion, there are no miracle diets. There are responsible behaviors and willingness, not only to lose weight but also to maintain it. Make an exercise and diet plan with specialists who monitor your progress.  

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