How To Prepare A Clay And Coffee Cream To Reduce Sagging Skin

Find out how to prepare this firming and anti-inflammatory homemade cream with natural elements in the next article. We tell you all its benefits below.

Sagging skin is one of the aesthetic problems that most concern women. This occurs, especially, when it develops from an early age and during pregnancy.

It is important to be aware that each circumstance is different, and that it is normal for the skin to change a little at certain times. Do not panic or give it more importance than it is.

However, if this is your case and you would like to find a natural alternative, we have prepared a simple recipe that will help you hydrate and add strength to your epidermis.

Do not miss it!

Homemade clay and coffee cream to reduce sagging skin

Homemade clay and coffee creamer is a very little known anti-inflammatory product.  However, you can find the elements that compose it anywhere in your kitchen or your garden, it is very simple to prepare!

In addition, its ingredients have properties that you may not be aware of. According to this study carried out by a team from the University of Zaragoza,  clay has antibacterial properties and has the ability to alleviate certain problems or conditions related to acne and excess sebum.

For their part, coffee beans  have anti-inflammatory properties, as explained in this research by a team from the University of Porto.

Thus, the combination of these elements could be beneficial for reducing inflammation and excess oil in certain areas of the skin. However, remember to check first that you do not suffer from any type of allergy related to these elements.

How to prepare this clay and coffee cream for sagging?

Clay and coffee treatment for sagging

Although its effects may vary in each one, its regular use reveals interesting benefits. Of course, the ideal is to complement its application with the daily practice of physical exercise and a good diet. These are essential habits to preserve the firmness of the skin.


  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 bag of black tea
  • 1 cup of green clay (200 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of coffee grounds (60 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil (80 g)
  • 10 drops of hazelnut extract


  • Glass jar
  • Wooden or silicone spoon


  • To start, heat half a cup of water and, when it boils, add the black tea bag.
  • Afterward, let it concentrate for 10-15 minutes, then strain it through a strainer and pour the liquid into a glass jar.
  • Next, incorporate the green clay into the tea and stir with a wooden utensil so that it is well dissolved.
  • If it’s too thick or powdery, add a little warm water.
  • After obtaining the clay paste, add the coffee remains, the olive oil and the hazelnut extract.
  • Keep stirring and make sure everything is well integrated and creamy in texture.
  • Finally, wait for it to rest for an hour and proceed to use it.

Application mode

  • First, clean the area of ​​the body where you want to apply the product well. If possible, exfoliate it to facilitate the absorption of its components.
  • Next, take a generous amount of the firming cream and rub it in with gentle circular massages.
  • Afterwards, let the ingredients act for 20 to 30 minutes, or until it dries well.
  • After this time, rinse with plenty of warm water and a soft sponge.
  • Finally, dry well with a clean towel and finish the treatment with the application of a moisturizer.
  • You can immediately feel fresher and cleaner skin
  • Repeat the process once a day or once every other day.

Physical exercise is essential

Although the clay and coffee cream is beneficial for your skin, keep in mind that the benefits are not obtained from the first application, nor is it enough just with its use. It is essential to do firming exercises to avoid sagging and to get the muscles to harden.

If you have any related questions, it is best to consult a nutritionist and a personal trainer. They will know how to guide you so that you can regain your figure in a healthy and adequate way.

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