How To Make Aloe Vera Juice For Medicinal Treatments

Learn about the benefits and instructions for preparing an excellent aloe vera juice for medicinal purposes. We also mention some side effects that it may have in certain people. Get informed!

Aloe vera is a very popular plant around the world. It has been used as an ingredient in the production of various medicinal and cosmetic products.

In view of the various properties attributed to it, many people have not hesitated to include it in various ways in their lifestyle. One of the most popular ways has been the making of aloe vera juice.

According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), aloe vera gel should not be confused with juice. The gel is viscous and transparent, while the juice is yellowish and with a bitter taste.

They also clarify that the juice is what is obtained from the cells of the plant’s pod.

What are the properties of aloe vera?

aloe vera

According to studies, aloe vera is the only known plant source of vitamin B 12. It is also a source of protein, calcium, magnesium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, C and E, as well as essential fatty acids.

Other sources indicate that the plant also contains sugars, enzymes, anthraquinone and phytohormones such as gibberellin.

Due to its content of these substances, the main properties attributed to aloe vera gel are as follows: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, regenerative and antibacterial.

Aloe vera juice recipe

Preparation of aloe vera juice

Before starting with the preparation of aloe vera juice, it is very important to note that fresh aloe vera gel oxidizes very quickly once it is in contact with air.

For this reason, it  is recommended to remove it just before starting and process it immediately after the sheet is opened.

  • First, trim the thorny edges of the blade using a sharp knife. Once you do, wash the knife immediately.
  • The stalk is divided and the gel that is inside is extracted.
  • A generous amount of aloe vera gel is put into the blender, citrus juice (for example, orange or grapefruit) is added to it, and the ingredients are finally processed for a couple of minutes.
  • The citrus juice is highly recommended, as it helps stabilize briefly exposing aloe vera gel and improve taste.
  • After that, pour the processed juice into an airtight container and refrigerate it.
  • Use two tablespoons for a glass of water to get a glass of aloe vera juice.
  • Aloe vera juice can last in the refrigerator for up to a week. However, to get the most of its benefits, it is recommended to drink within two days.

How to consume aloe vera juice?

  • It would be advisable to consume it fresh, freshly prepared.
  • It is not advisable to exceed the intake of more than 1-2 glasses a day. 
  • In case of suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, it will be essential to consult your doctor before starting to consume this drink.
  • Likewise, if you are under any pharmacological treatment, you should consult your doctor first, to avoid interactions.
  • This drink should never be consumed as a substitute for meals or the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  • Crohn’s disease patients should refrain from the consumption of this remedy.

Aleo Vera Juice

Side effects of aloe vera juice

This plant has very few side effects, but in some people there could be unfavorable reactions. Among these effects we find:

  • Loss of electrolytes, changing the color of urine.
  • Fluid imbalance.
  • Intestinal cramps.

Also, you could have unfavorable reactions in people who take medicines to treat problems such as Crohn’s syndrome or intestinal problems.

Or also, in people who are menstruating, they have appendicitis or colitis.

In all these cases, it is essential to consult your doctor in advance about possible interactions.

To consider

Although several scientific studies (in animals) have been carried out with aloe vera and it has been observed that it has had positive effects on health, the researchers point out that it is necessary to continue deepening because there is not enough evidence to guarantee that its effectiveness is total.

Aloe vera juice may have medicinal potential, but until experts indicate exactly how to use it properly, it is best to be cautious with its consumption.

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