7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Weight And That Of Your Family

To take care of the body weight of all members of the family it is important to adopt healthy lifestyle habits permanently. Good nutrition and physical exercise are key.

The need to take care of your weight and that of your family lies in health issues. Overweight and obesity are public health problems  that are affecting millions of people in the world, including young children.

These disorders are the main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other metabolic problems that can decrease the quality of life when they are not controlled in time. For this reason, it is essential to understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, not only improving the diet 100%, but also incorporating other good habits such as physical exercise and rest.

Are you looking for a way to take care of your weight and that of your family? We share some basic tips for you to start following from now on.

The best ways to take care of your weight and that of your family

Losing weight can be a slow process, especially when your metabolism slows down. In each person it can vary, since not all organisms work in the same way, nor do they assimilate food the same.

It is very important to understand that eating well is not enough. Although diet plays a major role, there are other factors that play a role as well. On the other hand, it is essential that the habits are permanent and not just for a few days.

Although there are dozens of diets that promise to lose weight in a short time, the healthiest and most effective way to achieve a stable weight is with a balanced diet. Are you ready to try it? Take note!

1. Change the concept of diet

Maintain a diversified diet.

To take care of your weight and that of your family, it is of great importance to change the concept of diet. This first measure helps everyone understand that a good diet is not synonymous with starvation or strict restrictions.

The diet should not be recognized as a type of diet that is done for a few days. In order not to fail in the attempt to take care of health and weight, it must be perceived as an irreplaceable lifestyle habit.

2. Have a complete and balanced breakfast

Careful! Not eating breakfast is one of the big mistakes when it comes to taking care of body weight. Although many think that skipping this meal is “saving calories”, it can have a counterproductive effect on metabolism.

People who don’t eat a good breakfast tend to have more anxiety throughout the day. In addition, the body uses up its energy reserves, affecting muscle mass. A complete and balanced breakfast prevents these situations from occurring.

  • Keep in mind that it should include sources of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates. In addition, your total calories correspond to 25% of the body’s needs.
  • In turn, avoid the consumption of simple sugars, since these substances are related to an increased risk of developing obesity, according to a study published in Frontiers of Bioscience.

3. Watch the portions

Small portions of food.

Taking into account the portions of food is also decisive to avoid being overweight. Although healthy foods have many nutrients to provide, it is not correct to overdo it.

Instead of having three large meals, it is best to divide the servings for five or six dishes a day. Also, when serving, half should be vegetables or salads, and the other half should be divided for cereals and lean meats.

In order not to go hungry, it is recommended to consume a glass of water before each meal. This strategy has been shown to increase satiety efficiently.

4. Avoid junk food

In family plans there should never be visits to junk food restaurants. This is one of those responsible for the weight loss that both adults and children have. In fact, they are linked to the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

These foods include:

  • Hot dogs and hamburgers.
  • Chips.
  • Pizzas and lasagna.
  • Burritos and tacos.
  • Stuffed meats.
  • Packaged chips.
  • Sweets, breads and industrial pastries.

Most of these products have trans fatty acids inside. These elements are capable of promoting inflammation and obesity when consumed frequently, according to a study published in Progress in Lipid Research.

5. Design balanced menus

A healthy life is achieved through sports and diet.

Low calorie meal plans are no longer an option to lose weight. Although they are still valid and working, they are not recommended because of their side effects. If your goal is to take care of your weight and that of your family, it is best to look for healthy and balanced menus.

These can contain foods like:

  • Lean meats and fish.
  • Whole grains and legumes.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Fruits and vegetables of all kinds.
  • Low-fat dairy products.

6. Adopt an exercise routine

In conjunction with a good diet, physical exercise is one of the best habits to take care of body weight. Its daily practice stimulates the activity of the metabolism and increases energy expenditure to “burn fat” more easily.

If you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can adopt some simple routines at home. Also, if you want to motivate the whole family, you can suggest many group sports activities:

  • Dance classes.
  • Bike rides.
  • Athletics races.
  • Swimming classes.
  • Trainings in the park or garden.

7. Sleep well

Get a good night's sleep for a healthy life.

Rest, like diet and exercise, is a habit that you should keep in mind when you want to watch your weight. Not getting enough sleep alters the activity of the metabolism and increases the tendency to be overweight.

When sleep is interrupted or too short, feelings of food cravings and stress increase. In addition, the body cannot optimally fulfill some processes involved in weight.

  • Make sure you get a good night’s sleep every day, for no less than 8 hours.
  • If you have small children, remember that they should rest for 10 to 12 hours.

To reach a healthy weight, watch your diet

In conclusion, if what you are looking for is a healthy weight for you and yours, you must completely improve your lifestyle. Encourage good habits in your family and make sure they have a good diet. Otherwise, your health will be at risk in the medium and long term.

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