Fear Of Cancer

It is normal for anyone to be afraid of cancer. After all, it is a serious disease that, in many cases, has an unpredictable course and, usually, requires treatments that are difficult to cope with. Every human being feels some degree of fear of illness and death.

The problem appears when the fear of cancer begins to become irrational and obsessive. In that case, it acquires the same characteristics of a phobia and that is why it is called ‘cancerphobia’. This leads to unnecessary precautions that sometimes backfire.

The exaggerated fear of cancer can also lead to unnecessary emotional distress. Any physical symptom ends up being seen as a possible sign of cancer and any object or circumstance comes to be perceived as a threat. This state goes against both mental and physical health.

Cancerphobia or excessive fear of suffering from cancer

woman worried about what others think

Cancerphobia is defined as an excessive and irrational fear  of suffering from cancer. The word ‘irrational’ does not mean that it is a crazy idea or that there are no reasons to fear the disease; what he means is that the fear is exaggerated and that it is not based on objective premises.

Likewise, when there is too much fear of suffering from cancer and it takes on the traits of a phobia, daily life can begin to be altered. The sun is avoided because it can lead to melanoma; or certain foods are omitted because rumors are circulating that they are carcinogenic, etc.

Cancerphobia means that, who suffers it, can suffer symptoms of anxiety constantly, because you overestimate the risk and see risks where there are none. It is something similar to what happens in hypochondria: every health problem is interpreted in a catastrophic way, even if there are really no reasons for it.

The way of avoidance

One of the paths that people with cancerphobia take is avoidance, which could have two variants. One would be to avoid at all costs those objects or situations that, real or imaginary, can cause cancer. It is a flight behavior.

Likewise, excessively preventive behaviors may also develop. There is excessive care in the diet, in the use of mobile phones, etc. Even those who take the avoidance path come to believe that coming into contact with someone who has cancer can predispose them to the disease.

The other variant of avoidance is that, precisely because of the fear of suffering cancer, the person avoids visiting the doctor at all costs. Sometimes they even feel sure that they already have the disease, but they do not go to the doctor because they do not want him to confirm their self-diagnosis. They prefer to continue living with doubt and anxiety.

Obsessive fear of cancer

fear of cancer

Another common path in those who develop cancerphobia is obsessive fear. You could say that this path is the opposite of avoidance. Instead of wandering off the subject, what the obsessive does is seek as much information as possible about the disease.

Likewise, every discomfort in his body leads him to consult the doctor or desperately seek information, because he fears that any symptom is the warning of cancer. The downside is that, without realizing it, they can interpret the information they get in a biased way.

If they visit the doctor and he does not find symptoms of cancer in them, they may think that the professional was wrong. Then these people may come to see a new doctor or refuse medicine in general. Some of these people are constantly afraid and the knowledge they have gained increases it rather than dispels it.

Myths and truths about cancer

Keep in mind that being born is beginning to die. Sooner or later we are all going to die, from one cause or another. The idea is not easy for anyone to assimilate, but it is more digestible when we face it and accept that it is an inescapable fact.

Now, it is claimed that cancer has increased worldwide. However, many dispute this data, since, perhaps, what has happened is that it is currently detected earlier and in a greater number of cases. Probably, the diagnosis has become more visible, which does not mean that the disease has had a significant increase in the world.

In any case, although it will not prevent us from cancer, a healthy lifestyle, physically and mentally, can help us to get sick less. If you think you have cancerophobia, we recommend consulting a psychologist.

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