Albinism: The Moving Case Of The Model Thando Hopa

Today in our space we want to talk to you about a reality that is not well known. We are sure that, on more than one occasion, you have seen an albino person. You may even know someone in your social circle. As you already know, albinism is a genetic disease that is characterized by  hypopigmentation of the skin, hair, and eyes.

It usually occurs in people and animals and, in addition to this lack of melanin, there are also very serious skin diseases due to sun sensitivity. It is not easy to be an albino, but it is even worse to suffer from this genetic alteration in a continent like Africa. What happens here is being denounced by a young model named Thando Hopa. She is the one who gives voice to this terrible reality, and that today we want to explain to you.

Color model Thando Hopa


Thando Hopa is 24 years old and, in addition to being a model, she is also a lawyer. She considers herself lucky, because being born with albinism in Africa is nothing short of a curse. He was educated in Johannesburg, where he quickly began to attract attention for that delicate and striking physique that he wore so much on the catwalks and the covers of magazines. Thando is one of the few albino colored models that exist in the world.

Perhaps due to its success and its impact, he chose to study Law. In order to give voice to the social drama that occurs in Africa and that many of us do not know.

The curse of being an albino in Africa


You will be surprised to know, first of all, that Africa is one of the continents that harbors the most albinos in its beautiful lands. Especially in Tanzania. Experts do not know the clear causes of this phenomenon. However, it is suspected that it may be due to consanguinity and the original European settlers who were able to reach this area of ​​the African continent. Here, the population of albinism is 15% higher than in the rest of the world.

As Thando Hopa herself explains, being an albino in Africa is, first, a physical problem. Then a social drama. Due to the inclement sun and limited resources, many people suffer from skin cancer and blindness due to the lack of protections. Afterwards, they must face the contempt of the rest of the people.

Albinism or “Zeru-Zeru” in Africa

Albinos are called “Zeru-Zeru”, that is, son of the devil or ghosts. Albinism is thought to be the result of a sin committed by the parents in establishing a diabolical pact. The marks of this covenant are reflected in the paleness of the children. Hence the rejection and the fact that many mothers abandon their children.

A living albino is worth nothing, yet a dead albino is as valuable as a diamond. The reason? Many ethnic groups, African social groups and village witches  believe that the blood or organs of an albino have magical or healing properties. Something similar to the terrible reality about the horns of rhinos or the ivory of elephants happens with albinism. High amounts are paid for them and there is no hesitation in mutilating and even killing.


It is an unfortunate reality that many humanitarian organizations denounce. Groups of armed men often appear in the middle of the night ready to take albino children and adults to maim them, to tear off their arms or legs. Or, worse, take their lives. Huge amounts are paid for his blood and organs. Hence, unscrupulous people and guided by that unreason that shakes us so much, do not hesitate for a moment to commit these heinous acts.

Albinism in Africa as a curse

Albinism in Africa is a veritable curse. That is why people like Thando Hopa give voice to this drama. At the same time, many international organizations try to give social coverage to these people. S bove all in Tanzania, where most suffer from this danger. However, it is known that many albino people die each year. Either because of the attack of these heartless people, or because of problems related to their disease that are not adequately cared for. Skin burns, infected sores and cancer are often the main problems they must deal with.

Today, there are many children who, for example, must learn to live without their feet or hands. Many do not lose their smile, despite the fact that, at times, being different, being special, can be the worst stigma in certain societies.

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