4 Consequences Of Putting The Child To Bed Late

In order for children not to have difficulties in their integral development, it is essential to ensure that they have a good quality of sleep. This habit becomes just as important as nutrition.

Putting the child to bed late every night is not convenient, as this has a negative influence on their overall development. In this sense, it is important to remember that good rest is as important as nutrition. 

Although this may seem obvious, there are parents and guardians who do not take it very much into account, for various reasons. However, it is true that the modern lifestyle has greatly influenced this situation.

With parents busy at work, busy schedules with school activities, and excessive use of electronic devices, break hours have been reduced.

Most worryingly, many are still unaware of the consequences of putting a child to bed late. While skipping naps or going to bed late seems harmless, it actually has negative effects that can last a lifetime.

Why is it so harmful? What to do to improve it?  Here we explain the main risks and some tips to correct this situation.

Why is it important for the child to sleep well?

A good rest, with the necessary hours according to the child’s age, is one of the greatest sources of energy for the body. This allows the brain’s “battery” to recharge for optimal mental performance throughout the day. After a good night’s sleep, the child’s mind is alert and calm.

On the other hand, sleep also affects physical abilities, according to various investigations. By resting, the muscles release themselves from the stresses of the day, recover and prepare to work the next day. This is key for your school, sports or play activities.

What does it mean to have a healthy sleep?

A healthy sleep is not only achieved by stopping a child from bed late. Proper rest has the following characteristics :

  • A sufficient period of sleep.
  • Uninterrupted sleep .
  • An age appropriate number of naps.
  • A sleep schedule that is synchronized with the child’s circadian rhythms (internal clock).

If any of these characteristics are not met, symptoms of lack of sleep may appear. The good news is that there are several measures or habits that can help you get a quality rest.

Consequences of putting the child to bed late

One of the big drawbacks that parents have when caring for their children is getting them used to sleeping early so that they meet an adequate sleep schedule. With so many distractions out there today, kids are putting up more and more resistance to going to bed.

But not paying attention to this issue could harm them in their development and growth. Although it seems to have no relevant effects, poor sleep can be the cause of many future problems.

1. Concentration difficulties due to going to bed late

putting the child to bed late can cause concentration problems

Poor quality sleep has several negative effects on a child’s mental health. Not getting adequate sleep makes you less mentally alert and  unable to focus on the activities that require it.

Often, a bad rest is the cause of the lack of attention in their school activities according to various studies. Also, this can make you less active and more lazy.

2. Drowsiness

Putting your child to bed late may be the reason they suffer from daytime sleepiness. By not complying with the adequate rest period, you experience more feelings of fatigue and desire to sleep during the day.

In this sense, various studies link daytime sleepiness with the development of behavior and concentration problems.

3. Feeling of tiredness from putting the child to bed late

Drowsiness goes hand in hand with feeling tired. Children are very likely to feel weaker and more tired if they don’t get enough sleep and rest.

In addition, they sometimes fall into a state of “hyperalertness” or anxiety that, later, can produce sleep disorders that are more difficult to solve.

putting your child to bed late can make them tired

4. Risk of obesity

Poor sleep patterns can increase the risk of childhood obesity. This is suggested by the results of several scientific studies.

Putting your child to bed late, or allowing them to sleep briefly, could be a risk factor for overweight and obesity, especially if this is accompanied by other bad habits, such as sedentary lifestyle.

How to improve sleep habits in children?

Children need parental guidance to adopt proper habits. In fact, some research suggests that sleep habits are usually acquired in the first months of life, hence the work of parents in this regard is essential.

It is necessary to monitor their sleep patterns, considering that the ideal is that they go to bed from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

In addition, whenever possible, the work should be done by the whole family. It is easier for the child to understand that he must rest when his parents and siblings are also willing to sleep the necessary time.

Finally, so that there are no interruptions in sleep, a suitable resting place must be guaranteed, free from distracting elements, such as televisions, computers or tablets.

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