What Foods Leave Us Hungry?

When establishing a diet, it is important to avoid those foods that leave us hungry from appearing on a regular basis. This class of products has a low satiety power and, in general, with a high caloric density.

Its consumption is usually related to weight gain and its appearance in the diet makes it difficult to plan a balanced diet. Therefore, we want to detail which are these foods to avoid, from now on, as far as possible. Thus, we can improve our body composition and health.

Foods with simple sugars

Sweets and sweets have good organoleptic properties and a high caloric density. This poses a significant risk, since they encourage consumers to eat more than they need, increasing their daily caloric intake.

The frequent appearance of this type of food in the diet leads to an increased risk of obesity and overweight, according to a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition.

In addition, these are foods that leave us hungry, since they have a low amount of fiber. The large amount of glucose they contain can lead to reactive hypoglycemia to consumption, which leads to an increase in appetite in the short term.

On the other hand, there are scientific articles that attribute addictive properties to refined sugar, such as one published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. 

When planning a healthy diet, it is advisable to limit the intake of this type of food. They can appear, but their consumption must be punctual, being aware of how unsuitable they are for health.

Foods with simple sugars

Fruit juice

Unlike whole fruit, fruit juices are one of those foods that leave us hungry. This is mainly due to its low fiber content. By squeezing the juice of a fruit, we conserve its sugars and part of its vitamins and minerals, but we lose all the dietary fiber.

This leads to a decrease in satiety, so it is likely that, after ingesting a product of these characteristics, we will continue to have an appetite. In addition, the fact of eliminating fiber results in a faster assimilation of glucose, which can cause greater pancreatic stress.

For these reasons, regular consumption of whole fruit is recommended, but not fruit juices . In the case of looking for a liquid texture, the best option is to opt for smoothies. Introducing the whole piece in the blender, along with some additional liquid, we conserve all the fiber of the food and its properties.

In this way, we generate greater satiety and do not waste one of the essential nutrients for the care of the intestinal flora.

Refined pasta and bread

In the same way as sweets with simple sugars, these are foods with a lot of carbohydrates and a low fiber content. This situation increases the risk of the appearance of reactive hypoglycemia, which prompts a second intake shortly thereafter.

On the other hand, since they are foods with good organoleptic characteristics, which are also usually accompanied by fatty sauces, they lead to overconsumption. It is more advisable to opt for brown rice or other whole grains when planning a high-carbohydrate meal.

Oats, for example, have a high amount of fiber and a greater satiating power. In addition, it is one of the best foods in order to promote the bacterial biodiversity of the intestinal flora.

Refined pasta and bread

Choose well the foods of the diet

Good food selection is an essential step in creating a diet that works. It is necessary to choose those that have a high amount of nutrients and few simple sugars and trans fats .

In addition, it is important to review their energy content, to propose a balanced diet from the caloric point of view. Thus, we ensure a correct supply of substances to the body, reducing the intake of those that may be negative for it.

Let us remember that fiber is an essential component of the diet, often underestimated, that contributes to the appearance of satiety and the maintenance of good health at the level of the intestinal microbiota.

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