3 Reflections On The Importance Of Leaving The Comfort Zone

It is time to move on. Don’t be a prisoner of conformity. There are experiences that are waiting for you and, as long as you do not remove the locks and leave your comfort zone, you will not be able to enjoy them. What is it that scares you? Human beings look for the moment when we feel safe, we want a stable job, home and to see our family develop in the best way.

But what about our goals? Where is the challenge of living? If you want to be successful, you have to pass tests, it doesn’t matter if your knees are shaking. Life is a field of learning, where we are all little sponges absorbing what is around us. No matter our educational level: we all have something to teach.

What is the comfort zone?

The comfort zone is defined as a state of mind whose main characteristic is routine behaviors to achieve a constant level of performance without having a sense of risk. In other words, they are behaviors, attitudes and strategies that we usually use to stay in the environment that makes us feel safe. 

The problem is that, although everything seems to be under control, it often leads to a state of apathy and existential emptiness that prevents us from feeling satisfaction or pride in what is done. In addition, in many personal and professional aspects it hinders personal growth.

Therefore, it is a psychological and behavioral state of comfort and conformity. It is about avoiding the uncertainty and commitment that changes entail, even if they are positive.

Why is it difficult for us to get out of the comfort zone?

We must dare to leave the comfort zone.

We react by instinct, avoiding possible threats, we want what makes us happy, and yet  we flee from uncertainty and failure. The problem is that we come up with a lot of excuses for fear of facing risk. 

You are the mouse that lives in the hole seeing everything from the inside and you want to be out there, but you don’t dare to take that step, you don’t want the cat to eat you. The reason? You do not trust yourself, you are not aware of your capabilities because you do not know that if you run without looking back, you will not be able to catch up.

Why do you live from your imagination? In it you travel to the place you dreamed of, you quit the work that overwhelms you, you fight to do what you really like, you enjoy every moment, good company and even loneliness.

You have done everything to maintain the “perfect life” before the rest, agreeing to what others want and, simply, you got lost along the way. Awake! You are not a machine, break the routine and get out of your comfort zone.

1. The idea of ​​”it is the life that touched me”

Why are you still there if everything has gone wrong? We are so immersed in the routine that we settle for thinking: “it is what touched me”. The role of victim is something that comes out perfectly and, in fact, we look for that which fits with the drama and the disappointment. We reject what makes us turn the other way, although deep down we know that it is better.

The question is, is that really living?  When you stop experiencing meeting new people, trying a new recipe, ending the relationship that does not make you happy and working just to work, the only thing you are doing is dying, even if your heartbeat reminds you otherwise.

Leave those cliches that have become crosses on your back. Make no mistake, it is not the life you touched, it is the life you decided to have. AND You are the author of your story: you can modify the script whenever you want, remove characters and make a revolution if you want, but do not be afraid to find a happy ending.

2. The “there will be time”

Are you eternal? Who has given us the security of believing that there will always be a tomorrow? The agenda is the proof that we are not taking risks. We plan in detail what awaits us in the future and we investigate what we do not have to put it ahead. “When I have my house”, “the day I get married”, “when my children grow up” …

What if that time does not come? Life is today Do it now, not tomorrow. Do it even if you feel your heart leaking out of your chest and the blood rushing to your head. Because in the waiting you can stay halfway and do nothing. You can have comfortable days and a safe roof, a comfort zone, but if you don’t have a smile on your face, what good is it?

In short, don’t wait for the perfect moment, because it doesn’t exist. Furthermore, the perfect is the enemy of the good. And the good time is now.

3. Self-locking

It is positive to leave the comfort zone and overcome self-imposed limits.

The time has come to transcend, to turn your weaknesses into an impulse to improve. No one has to make your decisions, stop blaming yourself for not meeting the expectations of others. Each person is different, how far can you go?

The only person who can stop you is you. If you block, you cannot advance. Exceed your own goals. If you can draw it in your mind, you can! Start by accepting yourself, by taking time to get to know yourself and then ask yourself: am I happy? There is the answer. If it’s a no, it’s time to cross the bridge, even if it makes you dizzy.

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