Double Chin: Three Miracle Remedies That You Did Not Know

To achieve good results when it comes to minimizing double chin it is very important that we combine external remedies with an adequate diet and a routine of facial exercises

The double chin is an aspect of our face that disfigures our features and our profile, and that is very difficult to eliminate unless we resort to cosmetic surgery.

In this article we explain three surprising natural remedies that will help you prevent and eliminate it with only a little perseverance.

How to combat double chin?

To eliminate the double chin, we must act in two simultaneous ways:

  • Promote the elimination of toxins (fats, liquids, etc.) that accumulate under the chin.
  • Improve skin hydration, to give it elasticity and firmness and prevent sagging.

Based on these two premises, we present the following home and natural remedies to eliminate double chin : a mask, a moisturizing lotion and a surprising exercise.

Clay and yogurt mask

Clay is an essential ingredient for health and beauty, as it has the ability to absorb toxins through the pores of the skin, while providing us with a large amount of minerals. In this way, the appearance of our skin improves, as well as its flexibility and firmness.

Clay is, therefore, an excellent remedy to combat double chin, since it allows us to gradually eliminate the substances that accumulate in the area while helping us to avoid sagging skin.

When we mix clay with water, the result is a poultice that, if the skin is dry, could make it too dry. For this reason, in this recipe we propose to mix it with natural yogurt, to add hydration while the clay does its job.

How do we do it?

  • First, we will mix powdered green clay with natural yogurt until we get a paste that is liquid enough so that we can put a thick layer in the double chin area, but not too thick to drip.
  • To prepare it,  we should never use utensils or metal or plastic containers, since they detract from the benefits of clay. We will opt for those made of glass, wood or porcelain.
  • Then, we will apply it and let it act for 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Later, we will remove it with water.
  • Finally, we will repeat the procedure once or twice a week.
  • After this treatment, we must always hydrate the skin.

Lemon wheat germ oil lotion

Lemon wheat germ oil

To give the skin elasticity and avoid sagging, it is very important to choose the right moisturizing lotion. In this case we propose a homemade mixture with two miraculous ingredients:

Wheat germ oil

This vegetable oil is excellent for the skin, thanks to its content of B vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is rich in vitamin E, with strong antioxidant properties that prevent aging. In addition, it adds firmness and slightly lightens the tone of the complexion.


The other essential ingredient for our lotion is lemon, which we can use in the form of fresh juice or as an essential oil. Lemon stimulates circulation, helps dissolve fat, improves fluid elimination  and tones the skin, making it the ideal supplement.

We must try not to expose ourselves to the sun afterwards so that it does not stain our skin. A good option is to apply this mixture at night.

The exercise of the tongue


If you stand in profile and look at yourself in a mirror, you will see how when you stick your tongue out, the double chin is surprisingly minimized. This gives us a clue as to how the tension that accumulates at the base of the tongue could influence the sagging of the skin on the neck.

For this reason, we can perform this curious exercise two or three times a day, while doing any other activity such as watching TV, reading or working on the computer:

  • First, with the jaw relaxed, we will gradually stick our tongue out as much as we can, without hurting ourselves. We will notice how the base of the tongue is stretched.
  • Then we will introduce our tongue back into our mouth, relax it, breathe in and repeat the exercise.
  • We will do it 15 times in a row.

Throughout the day, we will try to become aware of the tongue to feel if we have it relaxed at the base of the mouth or if we have it in tension, glued to the palate.

You must remember that there is no fully effective remedy to fully eliminate double chin. In this sense, you can only prevent or reduce it. Therefore, we hope that these tricks will help you feel more beautiful.

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