Tips Against Bloating After Eating

Many times we feel an annoying bloating after eating. In this article you will find tips to avoid them and improve digestion.

For some people it is common to always end up with bloating after eating. Although they eat more or less, some foods or others, most of the time they suffer this discomfort for a long time. This ends up affecting routine and mood.

Here we give you the keys to avoid and reduce that bloating, improve digestion and also energy levels just after the meal.

Chew well

Woman eating banana

To avoid bloating after eating , it is essential to chew your food well before swallowing it. We must chew them so much that, in the end, swallowing them should be almost like drinking them. In this way we are avoiding a great effort to the stomach, since digestion begins in the mouth, with the enzymes contained in saliva.

Many people can tell a big difference just with this simple tip.  In addition, getting to eat less and fill up earlier helps to maintain a correct weight and reduce anxiety about food.

Eat in the right place and time

We cannot eat in any way. Although food is not the important thing in our life, we must provide the appropriate context so that we are not aware of other things while we eat.

We must always eat seated and without haste. If we have to do something else urgently, it is better to leave the food for later and, in the meantime, eat a handful of nuts or a fruit.

Eating while standing or moving, agitated, talking too much or with important discussions will lead to a heavier digestion, since the body will not be able to focus its energy on digesting food.

We should always eat in silence or with light and pleasant conversations, without doing other tasks, and at a table. And, if possible, alone or in good company.

Knowing how to combine foods is key to avoiding bloating after eating

Girl eating healthy and slowly.

We can choose very healthy foods for lunch, even cook them in a healthy way, but mixing them incorrectly  can cause fermentation during digestion.

This will cause us the dreaded bloating after eating. Here are some tips to improve your food mix:

  • It is better not to eat fruit during the meal, with the exception of apple and pear, which are two neutral fruits that can be mixed with any food. The most harmful are citrus fruits, watermelon and melon. These should be eaten mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
  • Milk is a food that is difficult to digest. And even more so if we drink it during the meal. Avoiding it will be the best to avoid bloating after eating.
  • Yes we can eat cheese or cottage cheese in small quantities. However, yogurt is not recommended either.
  • We shouldn’t have more than one type of protein at the same meal. It will be enough to eat meat, fish or eggs.
  • We must avoid eating legumes with many different foods. With a salad, vegetables or gazpacho it would be a very healthy menu. Many people cause flatulence and combining it with many things will be more harmful.

Do not drink water in large quantities

Some experts recommend drinking water based on thirst and (preferably at room temperature, never too hot or cold) to keep us well hydrated. They also consider that when making a main meal, we must try not to drink excessively, but rather, small sips (enough to be able to swallow food well).

Dr. Michael F. Picco indicates in a note that drinking water can help with the digestive process. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that when you drink it, it mixes with gastric juices and causes discomfort such as bloating and heaviness.

Take digestive infusions

One of the best ways to avoid bloating after eating is by taking an infusion of medicinal plants with digestive properties. If we have abused fats we can also add the juice of half a lemon. We can choose between the following, or combine them:

  • Anise.
  • Fennel.
  • Mint.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Ginger.
  • Chamomile.
Herbs tea

Do we rest or do we move?

The 15 minutes after the meal we should rest seated (not necessarily upright in a chair, but with the torso in an upright position). We shouldn’t start moving or lying down in a horizontal posture until later.

Once that quarter of an hour has passed, if we have the possibility, we can walk a little, slowly, while gently massaging our belly, from right to left, following the shape of the intestine.

You see, although bloating after eating can be annoying, you can combat it with these natural tricks and remedies. It is important that you eat a healthy diet and consult with your doctor if the discomforts are very strong or do not stop.

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