What To Know About Diet Drinks, Are They Really Healthy?

Although we all tend to think that they are lighter, light drinks can generate a greater need for sweets, which will translate into an excessive calorie intake.

Drinks will light is not as “light” as it seems. Those who regularly drink these types of products can gain three times more weight than a person who avoids all kinds of sugary soft drinks.

And is that drinking beverages with artificial sweeteners can generate negative health effects, all because of the additives they contain. Find out in this article.

Be careful with the teeth

Diet or not, all sugary drinks wear down tooth enamel to some degree. This is because the vast majority need citric or orthophosphoric acid for its preparation.

The downside with these chemicals is that they both stimulate the build-up of bacteria that cause tooth decay. Thus, “light” products may have fewer calories, but that is not why they are healthy.

However, a good part of consumers continue to switch from traditional soft drinks to these new diet versions. This is due to the false belief that they leave fewer sequelae in the body.

The bones also lose

However, the list of negative effects increases.

  • Diet cola is believed to be able to alter the absorption of calcium in the bones in the long term. This could be due to the high phosphate content in these soft drinks, as pointed out by a study published in the Journal of Clinical Pathology.
  • It is a factor that generates low density in the skeletal system. In addition, it  can lead to the dreaded osteoporosis.
  • Patients diagnosed with this disease are usually prohibited from consuming this type of flavored liquids.

Increase the risk of heart disease

Taking too soft light , as is the case of one day, you may increase the risk of heart attack or other cardiovascular pathologies.

The main reason is that these drinks, carbonated in general, contain a dangerous mixture of fructose and sodium. Taken together and in excess, these substances raise the level of blood pressure, according to a study published in Nutrients .

They can increase the chances of having diabetes

insulin test

Also the risk of suffering from diabetes can be increased with the consumption of one or two cans of soda a day. This is especially the case with type 2 diabetes.

Aspartame is the main sweetener used in diet sodas . According to various studies, this could cause an increase in blood sugar levels, as well as insulin. Thus, these factors could contribute to the onset of diabetes.

They can cause metabolic syndromes

Likewise, a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome  has been associated with a daily consumption of diet drinks .

This type of syndromes are caused by different risk situations :

  • Insulin resistance
  • Cholesterol.
  • Obesity.
  • High blood pressure or hypertension.
  • Glucose disturbance

It is a health hazard due to its influence on the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.

It is curious that some drinks, which theoretically serve to lead a healthy life, are associated with risks of metabolic syndromes.

This is due, among other things, to the fact that diet sodas do not provide us with any beneficial nutrients to the body.

They give an extra acid contribution

The so-called “diet sodas” have a high acid content. Within the pH scales they are at number 3, so they can be very toxic to the body.

It is even considered that some may have higher acidity than normal drinks. In many cases it is a mistake to leave drinks that do not carry the term “light” for others that are theoretically healthier.

Why can diet drinks increase the risk of obesity?

Among other things, because its sweet taste deceives the brain  and generates a greater desire for sugar. With this consumption, the stomach will have more need for sweet drinks. Thus, fat deposition can be increased and patients will feel weak.

Diet drinks can cause headaches

woman with cloth on head

This possible cause-and-effect relationship with headaches is due to sucralose. This is a modified sugar molecule that theoretically contains fewer calories than this. For this reason, it is used to sweeten so-called diet sodas. However, according to various studies, it could increase the risk of headaches or even migraines.

Light drinks, a bad option

As we see, the regular consumption of these soft light can originarnos that if we took our cake preferred more damage. Therefore, it is always a better idea to drink natural drinks. These can be obtained from the combination of fresh fruits with vegetables, fruits with milk, etc.

Go ahead and replace diet sodas with natural drinks that do provide benefits to your health. You will see how the body notices the difference.

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