Apple, Lemon And Grapefruit Smoothie To Lose Weight

This delicious apple, lemon and grapefruit smoothie will be very useful in your day to day to promote weight loss. It is a simple supplement that we must introduce into our diet to feel more satiated and combat fluid retention.

With this natural drink you will be able, above all, to combat that excess fat that usually accumulates in the belly. If we are constant and we get used to consuming it at breakfast or after our main meal, after two weeks we will notice the results.

Remember to maintain a varied and balanced diet, and combat sedentary lifestyle whenever possible.

The apple, the lemon and the grapefruit: prodigious combination to lose weight

When it comes to losing weight, we know that miracles do not exist but there is a correct diet that allows us to achieve it. Losing weight with health is possible, as long as we take good care of what foods we are going to give our body.

So why not turn to products as healthy and delicious as apple, lemon and grapefruit? We explain why they are so suitable if you want to lose weight.

Green apple, our ally to lose weight

Apple juice

There are many varieties of apples, but in our smoothie we are going to add a green apple, if possible, from organic cultivation. We are going to include it with your skin, which is why we are interested in it being a natural product free of pesticides.

  • Green apples help us to accelerate the metabolism.
  • The pectin contained in the skin will help us control excess lipids in our body. It is very suitable in case of obesity, since it helps us to destroy the oldest fat nodules.
  • It will also allow us to balance the blood sugar level.
  • If the green apple is healthy for something, it is because of its high level of minerals and vitamins, which take care of our cardiovascular health.
  • This fruit is satiating and rich in fiber. Therefore, it will help us combat both fluid retention and constipation.

Lemon, the key to an alkaline diet

lemon juice

In our space we have spoken to you very often about the benefits of maintaining an alkaline diet: we eliminate those toxins that make us sick and inflame and, in addition, we optimize the functions of many of our organs.

  • Drinking a glass of lemon juice every day helps us eliminate fat. Its action is not to make them disappear, what it achieves is that they are less resistant and that it is easier for us to burn or eliminate them.
  • Thanks to lemon we reduce bad cholesterol and facilitate proper blood circulation.
  • Lemon helps our digestion: it allows us to better assimilate nutrients and enjoy healthier intestines, while preventing toxic elements from reaching the bloodstream.
  • The citric acid in lemons and its enzymes take care of our liver. Thanks to its antioxidants and vitamin C we strengthen our immune system.

Thus, we face our weight loss diet with good defenses and improve liver function, since fats do not accumulate.

Grapefruit: diuretic and anti-inflammatory

Something we must bear in mind is that this apple, lemon and grapefruit smoothie should not be the most important food in our diet to lose weight. It is a complement with which to start the day or accompany our main meal of the day.

  • This smoothie does not contain protein or iron, and therefore, it is important that you maintain a diet that provides you with all the nutrients you need on a day-to-day basis.
  • Now, if we also add a grapefruit to our remedy, it is for its diuretic action. It will allow you to drain those waste elements that inflame us and promote fluid retention.
  • Grapefruit complements the action of green apple and lemon.  For this reason, it is also worth looking for them from organic cultivation, only then will you have the best antioxidants and vitamins.

How to make our apple, lemon and grapefruit smoothie


  • 1 green apple
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • The juice of 1 grapefruit
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • This apple, grapefruit and lemon smoothie will have it made in just 5 minutes. To do this, the first thing we will do is wash the green apple well, and then cut it into small pieces.
  • Next, get the lemon and grapefruit juice and put them in the blender along with the glass of water. Add the green apple cut into pieces and get a smoothie as homogeneous as possible.
  • You can add a tablespoon of stevia or honey if you need to sweeten it, since its flavor is very acidic.

Have this delicious apple, grapefruit and lemon smoothie every morning for your breakfast. But, do not forget to maintain a balanced diet where proteins are not lacking and in which we do not abuse saturated fats.

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