Acute Appendicitis: Symptoms You Should Know About

There are many people who are operated on urgently when they have a case of acute appendicitis, thus being medical emergencies of which you always deserve to know the previous symptoms to be alert.

Acute appendicitis is basically due to an inflammation of the appendix. It can occur in children and adults, so it is not something that can only occur during childhood or adolescence.

Next, we want to invite you to know the symptoms that give you clues that you are suffering from acute appendicitis and that you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Do not miss them!

Symptoms to recognize an acute appendicitis

Woman with appendicitis attack.

1. The type of pain

  • The pain usually starts in the navel, but gradually, it spreads to the lower right part of the abdomen, a little above the hip.
  • When we press in this area, the pain is much more intense, more acute and unbearable.
  • Our abdomen is somewhat hard. We have a strange feeling of “fullness.” We only have to press our abdomen a little and we will immediately notice an unusual firmness and hardness.
  • It is very possible that, when walking, this pain in the height of the hip is more incisive and stabbing. Remember that it is always on the right side.
  • The only time we will feel relief is when we lie on the right side. When we lie down, that annoyance finds some rest.
  • Try to cough. If when doing so you notice a great pain or burning in the abdomen, it is a clear sign that we have an inflammation in this area of ​​the abdomen.
  • You must bear in mind that, if you feel these symptoms, it is very likely that between 12 and 24 hours later they will become more acute and we will need to be admitted urgently.

2. Secondary symptoms accompanying abdominal pain

  • Fever. It’s very important. As soon as this discomfort on the right side is accompanied by a fever, go immediately to the doctor.
  • Constipation. This infection in the appendix can translate into small intestinal disorders. It is very common because to suffer periods of constipation, it is even very possible that when making “effort”, strong pain emerges immediately.
  • Loss of appetite. We feel a very uncomfortable feeling of fullness. It is enough to eat very little to feel full.
  • Vomiting, general malaise, and tiredness also often accompany appendicitis symptoms. They are signs that can appear even a few days before the pain becomes already unbearable.

What Causes Acute Appendicitis?

The walls of the appendix are lined with small elements called lymphoid follicles. Sometimes a disease or foreign elements cause bacteria to adhere to them and infect them. It is something very common.

Therefore, it is important to take good care of your diet. By this we do not mean that we can avoid suffering from appendicitis, but we can prevent it at least with a high probability.

In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition revealed that a diet low in fiber increases the chances of appendicitis in children.

Therefore, drink plenty of fluids, consume fiber, vegetables and fresh fruit, without overlooking the excellent benefits of probiotic foods. Foods such as kefir or Greek yogurt have very suitable properties to provide us with good bacteria capable of protecting us.

It is important to help the body cleanse itself and avoid suffering numerous episodes of constipation for our health in general and for appendicitis in particular.

What to do in case of acute appendicitis?

If your symptoms coincide with those we have mentioned, do not hesitate, go to the doctor. Otherwise, you could suffer complications, such as a perforated appendix.

The most common way to treat this problem is surgically. There are various procedures to remove the appendix, more or less invasive. It will be the doctor who determines which is the most appropriate for our specific case.

It may seem like a complicated procedure, but it takes a long time and is usually relatively uncomplicated.

After the operation, you will see how your life improves and those horrible discomforts come to an end. Of course, remember that you should rest and always follow the advice of your doctor.

We also recommend that you follow a balanced diet, rich in fiber. This is very beneficial for our digestive health and, therefore, also for our body.

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