What Is Invisible Orthodontics?

Invisible orthodontics is one of the most innovative forms of this procedure. It is very attractive because it is more aesthetic than conventional braces treatment. What does it consist of?

Invisible orthodontics is called orthodontic treatment that uses appliances that are not usually seen with the naked eye. It is an innovative form of this procedure, which is quite attractive because it is more aesthetic than the rings and brackets that usually cover a large part of the tooth. What does it consist of? What are its advantages? Find out!

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that is responsible for the study, prevention and treatment of abnormalities in the size, position and shape of the maxillofacial structures.

The purpose of this specialty is to correct these alterations to achieve an optimal state of oral health, a harmony in the smile and the correct alignment of the teeth.

Normally in orthodontics different types of appliances are used to correct teeth. The most commonly used are braces. The latter are structures, metallic or ceramic, that are cemented to the teeth in a correct position.

Different types of arches of different thicknesses are placed on them. These arches allow us to move the teeth by generating friction forces with the brackets.

Thanks to scientific advances, orthodontics has advanced a lot and it has been possible to perform these movements through invisible splints that are embedded in the teeth. Being practically priceless.

Woman in orthodontics

What is invisible orthodontics?

It is an orthodontic treatment that is performed through the use of invisible splints called aligners. To plan this type of treatment, we need virtual 3D models and a virtual simulation of how the teeth will move as the treatment progresses.

The aligners are made of thermoformable plastic approximately 0.5mm thick, so they can barely be seen with the naked eye. To help the movement of the teeth, apart from the placement of the aligners, small balls of transparent material called ataches are also attached to the teeth.

Attachments help splints perform the movements for which they are planned. They need to be replaced by the following aligners in 10 or 15 days. In addition, the treatment ranges from 4 months to 2 years, depending on the degree of correction that each patient needs.

It is important to know that with this type of orthodontics not all problems can be solved. It is indicated for small movements, gyroversions and so on. For large treatments, the most indicated treatment is orthodontics with braces.

Advantages of invisible orthodontics

  • It is a very aesthetic treatment.
  • Avoid rubbing, wounds and sores that the braces and arches of conventional orthodontic technique can produce . Therefore, it is a more comfortable treatment for the patient.
  • Allows better hygiene. The splints are removed and brushing is the same as on non-orthodontic teeth. While with braces  brushing is more difficult, it produces an accumulation of plaque near the gum causing gingivitis and in many cases an inflammation of the gums.
  • The splints are made on a mold of the patient’s mouth, so the treatment is totally personalized.
  • By allowing better hygiene, there is less risk of cavities, gingivitis, white spots and so on.
  • For small movements , a result equal to that of conventional orthodontics is achieved, even in some cases it can be achieved in less time than treatment with braces.
Invisible orthodontics

Disadvantages of invisible orthodontics

  • The splints must be worn at least 20 hours a day to achieve the desired effect, removing only for eating and brushing.
  • If the splints are not placed due to distractions, the treatment is prolonged and the situation may even worsen.
  • Bruxist patients wear the splints much more and need to be changed more frequently.
  • Treatment with aligners is more costly than treatment with braces.

This treatment can be performed in both children and adults. It should always be borne in mind that orthodontics is a secondary treatment to other oral pathologies, that is, treatments such as fillings, cleaning, root canals and other oral health problems must be performed first.

In summary

Invisible orthodontics with dental aligners is the most innovative treatment within this branch of dentistry. It allows us to achieve our goals, being able to guarantee the patient maximum aesthetics and comfort.

Thanks to the prediction of the treatment by means of the 3D software we can be much more exact in the treatment, controlling the evolution of the patient in a more detailed way.

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