Cream Of Zucchini And Seaweed To Re-mineralize You

An improper diet can cause us to have a lack of nutrients and that our capacities are not 100%. To re-mineralize without the need for supplements, you must improve your diet

Sometimes our daily diet is a little poor in minerals and other essential nutrients for health. For this reason, we share with you recipes made with very healthy and nutritious ingredients that help you re-mineralize without the need to take supplements. We propose a cream of zucchini, oats and seaweed. 

Remineralize yourself by eating right

The best way to increase your mineral intake is to include foods rich in these nutrients in your daily diet, such as the ones listed below:

1. Vegetables

vegetables to remineralize you

A handful of nuts every day ensures a good amount of minerals, especially if we soak them for a few hours to improve their digestion.

6. Sea water

Sea water is a healthy alternative to common salt, as it helps you re-mineralize and improves kidney function.

7. Fish and seafood

In addition to being a good source of protein and healthy fat, fish and shellfish also contain many minerals.

8. Whole grains

Unlike refined cereals and flours, whole grains contain fiber and the minerals found in the peel. For this cream, we propose oats, a delicious and nutritious cereal that is very beneficial for the digestive tract and the nervous system.

9. Egg

The egg provides us with good amounts of calcium, selenium and zinc. In the past, its regular consumption was not recommended as it was believed to increase cholesterol. However, at present its consumption is advised two to three times a week.

Why do you need to remineralize?

Mineral deficiency

Minerals are essential for healthy bones, fluid balance and metabolism and glandular secretions. They also regulate the function of the muscles and the nervous system.

Minerals are even more necessary if we suffer from anemia or osteoporosis, and also during pregnancy and menopause.

When we lack minerals we can feel fatigued and irritable, and suffer from skin, nail and hair disorders. This zucchini, oatmeal and seaweed cream is a simple and delicious way to overcome these deficits.

Zucchini, oatmeal and seaweed cream

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • 3 medium zucchini
  • 1 handful of wakame seaweed
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoons of rolled oats (20 g)
  • 1 ½ glass of water (300 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons of sea water (50 ml)
  • Spices to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil

The wakame seaweed and oat flakes will give this recipe a lot of creaminess, while also replacing the milk or cheese that is usually used in zucchini cream. Sea salt is a substitute for salt, while garlic and spices can give it different hints of flavor.


To maintain the minerals in this zucchini, oatmeal and seaweed cream, we must avoid overcooking and high temperatures.

  1. Soak the wakame seaweed for three minutes. You can use the soaking water to whip the cream later
  2. Sauté the garlic, onion, and zucchini for about five minutes.
  3. Add the spices, which can be curry, cayenne, oregano, thyme, etc.
  4. Add the water and seawater, as well as the rolled oats and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Include the wakame seaweed and beat all the mixture well, until you get a creamy texture.
  6. You can consume this hot, warm cream or keep it in the fridge and drink it cold.

We recommend consuming this cream as a first course with lunch and dinner for at least a week to begin to notice its benefits.

In the long term we can get used to including the remineralizing foods that we have mentioned in our diet so that we do not lack the necessary amounts for our body.

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