Crying In The Right Way Is A Beneficial And Revealing Relief

Tears are an indicator that something important is happening in our life. Crying is an act of courage, venting, but also revelation. But, in addition, crying has a self-calming power.

This is confirmed by research such as the one published in 2014 by the journal Frontiers in Psychology . According to the authors, there is clear evidence that crying leads us to be calmer.

Experts in emotional psychology recommend that, in moments of bitterness and difficulty, we release a good cry. Then, the ideas are clarified and we realize many things.

Crying, an emotional outlet

Emotional relief is an act of “first necessity. Don’t try to contain, hide, or control it by clenching your fists and gulping. Relief, to be therapeutic and liberating, must be sound, to liberate everything that lives in our mind and that hurts our hearts.

We invite you to know aspects about the act of crying and the tears that, possibly, you did not know. We also recommend, for your health, that you never repress the natural act of crying.

Cry the wrong way

That’s how it is. Sometimes we cry badly. In reality, no one has taught us much about emotional matters, about that kind of knowledge that can help us. To understand the importance of crying in humans, it is worth taking these interesting aspects into account.

Crying hotels of Japan

In Japan we can find hotels such as the Mitsui Garden or the Yotsuya in Tokyo where the population can go to reserve a room to simply vent and cry.

crying, a physical and emotional relief

We are in a culture where emotions are usually very controlled and where it is not appropriate to show a very high effusiveness, either in the form of joy or sadness.

The Japanese, in addition, are people marked by strong work goals and strict family and social norms. All this can subject them to states of anxiety and stress that they do not know very well how to channel.

Thus, anyone who wishes can request a room in a crying hotel and make use of the facilities prepared for it. There are comfortable beds, handkerchiefs, relaxing baths, music and movies that the guest can watch to facilitate venting.

All of this allows the person to cry and scream if they need to. The rooms are soundproofed and the discretion is total.

After crying, people fall asleep. The next day they wake up with more energy, calmer, to the point of being able to reorient their lives in a more appropriate way.

Cry the right way

The technique carried out by the Japanese may be cathartic, but it is not adequate either.

The human being presents various behaviors that instinctively are the reflection of connectivity with their peers. Therefore, it will always be better to cry and vent in the company of someone.

Like yawning, crying is a purely empathic act. The act of crying serves to bring people together and to alert that something is happening.

So while we know that most of us cry alone, either out of shame or personal need, the most therapeutic thing would be to be able to vent to someone. In this way, we would not only take advantage of physical and emotional relief, but we would also benefit from the comfort that a loved one can bring us.

However, we also know that this is not so easy. Sometimes we do not dare, or we do not have a person who is correct in their advice or who is able to comfort without judgment.

In any case, crying is a necessary act that characterizes us as a species, and holding back tears is not “natural”. In addition, if we repress them, this can end up having negative consequences.

In short, we recommend you cry to vent. Harmonize your pain with what your body asks of you. Release the tears, let your voice break in each spasm and then breathe a long sigh. After this, life will have a very different color.

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