Fat In The Liver: What Are The Symptoms?

An unhealthy lifestyle, being overweight or a poor diet are, without a doubt, direct factors that cause the dreaded fatty liver. It is one of the most frequent pathologies of today; however, even so, it is a reversible disease. This can be achieved through guidelines with which we can eliminate that excess fat in the liver.

Next, we will analyze what symptoms this condition usually presents in order to act as soon as possible. And remember, if you have any questions or discomfort, do not hesitate to go to your doctor. Your health comes first!

What is fatty liver and what causes it?

In medicine, fatty liver is known as hepatic steatosis. It is important to clarify, first, that it is a benign disease; however, if not treated properly, it can lead to more serious ailments in the long run.

What happens, broadly speaking, is that fatty acids and triglycerides are stored in the liver, which make this organ, vital to our body, sick.

Then, the liver ‘collapses’, so to speak, so that it no longer performs its functions of metabolism and clearance of toxic substances as effectively as before.

You should also know that when there is an excess of fat in the liver, it suffers small constant wounds that it tries to repair. Thus, scars appear, small permanent lesions that are also known as cirrhosis .

Doctors indicate that, in general, we all have fat in the liver. Now, by the time this fat exceeds 10%, it is considered that one already suffers from hepatic steatosis.

Therefore, this will be noticed in the blood, which will contain a small excess of harmful elements that the liver has not been able to process correctly. Not counting, of course, the consequent liver problems, such as inflammation and discomfort.

What does fatty liver produce?

Many people immediately associate fatty liver with alcohol problems or somewhat unhealthy lifestyle habits. It is not entirely true; there are more factors that can cause it, such  as the following:

  • Overweight or obesity problems.
  • Inherited metabolic disorders.
  • From the age of 50, the risk of suffering from excess fat in the liver is greater ; this usually happens if he has had a bad diet during all that time.
  • Continued abuse of certain medications can also cause this problem. An example? Anti-inflammatories, pain relievers, aspirin, tamoxifen, and even steroids.
  • We must also be very careful with triglycerides;  If bad cholesterol is not properly treated, excess fat may appear in the liver in the long term.
  • Type 2 diabetes is also usually a cause that we must take into account.

How do I know if I have fat in my liver?


There are numerous symptoms that, in some way, can be confused with other ailments. However, the most obvious sign is that you suffer from several of these indicators for a few weeks.

At the moment when you perceive that you are not capable of leading a normal life and that these symptoms do not allow you to eat as usual or carry your current work rhythm, see your doctor.


One of the most striking indicators is that people who have a diseased liver or an excess of fat in their liver cells are very tired. It is especially noticeable in the morning: it is difficult for them to get up, wake up and find the strength to start the day. Exhaustion is also very common right after meals.


When there is excess fat in the liver, it tends to become inflamed and enlarged. The abdomen hurts and there is a very characteristic discomfort under the ribs, which radiates to the back area. It is a pressure that can transform into a kind of ‘hot pain’, like a burning plate.

Lack of appetite

Fatty liver causes, in turn, a general discomfort that gradually decreases appetite. Digestions become heavier and even painful until, in the end, we end up losing weight in a very conspicuous and dangerous way.

The risk of cirrhosis

As we have already pointed out before, having excess fat in the liver causes a series of lesions and scars that cause cirrhosis to appear. If left untreated, this ends up causing jaundice, meaning that the skin, and even the eyes, take on a yellowish color.

Another symptom that must be taken into account is the swelling of the body, feet, legs and face. The cause of this is that the liver no longer adequately synthesizes proteins; there is a deficit that is counteracted by the accumulation of fluids.


In conclusion, the presence of excess fat in the liver is a health risk that, if not treated properly, can lead to more serious problems. Take these symptoms into account and see your doctor as soon as possible.

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