Greek Yogurt: Benefits And Differences From Normal

There is no specific data that determines where the yogurt comes from. Neither does Greek yogurt.

However,  there are theories that indicate that it arose in Eastern Europe, 4500 years ago. 

Thanks to its nutritional contribution, yogurt has taken on great importance.

Currently we find a huge list of brands and varieties of yogurt.

Among its nutrients we find:

  •  Protein
  • Lipids
  • Carbohydrates
  •  Vitamins
  •  Minerals

These allow a better absorption of food because they favor intestinal transit.

But what is Greek yogurt like?

It is characterized by having a color between white and cream, with a soft texture and a peculiar acid flavor,  that is, the mixture between cream and cottage cheese.

It is the result of putting traditional yogurt under pressure until the moisture content is eliminated. With this, the liquid serum is extracted and therefore the consistency is thicker and with less sugar.

Greek yogurt benefits

Many people have made the decision to include Greek yogurt in their regular diet, since it is a product with important contributions to health. Due to its nutritional quality, its consumption is associated with an improvement in the cardiovascular system (as we will develop in this article) and a lower body mass index, according to the International Journal of Obesity in its study.

Best of all, it is a versatile product that can be taken for breakfast, snacks and dinners. Do you need reasons to take it? Let’s see in detail its main benefits for the body.

Suitable for people with lactose intolerance

low lactose greek yogurt

Greek yogurt has a low level of lactose compared to other dairy products.

The fermentation process maintains live and active cultures that are responsible for converting lactose into lactic acid, which is much easier to absorb.

However, it is important to consider the level of lactose intolerance individually, as there are people for whom it can cause side effects. Check with your doctor first. 

Improves digestion

This yogurt is very easy to digest because it contains less carbohydrates than other yogurts.

It also contains probiotics and healthy bacteria that work by removing food residues that adhere to the intestinal walls.

Source of calcium

Greek yogurt calcium

Like other dairy products, Greek yogurt also provides calcium to the body.

  • In this way it helps us prevent  Diseases such as osteoporosis and other bone problems, according to this study published in Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, as  it strengthens the bones and allows them to better absorb nutrients.
  • Meanwhile, calcium regulates the nervous system, as stated in its research by the National Institute of Health of Bogotá.
  • Therefore, when there is a deficiency of this mineral we experience cramps or pain.


Greek yogurt is generally lower in fat than other yogurt, in addition to providing large amounts of protein.

  • That is, this yogurt has less sugar.
  • By having higher number of proteins, it is beneficial for people to perform regular physical exercise.

Reduces cholesterol levels

healthy greek yogurt

Greek yogurt works as a natural cholesterol-fighting treatment.

  • It contains Lactobacillus Acidophilus, a beneficial bacteria that acts against the endogenous synthesis of bad cholesterol (LDL), according to several studies.
  • However, it must be borne in mind that it must be accompanied by a balanced diet and physical exercise. 

So… Greek or plain yogurt?

Greek or plain yogurt

The next time you choose a yogurt for your pantry, consider the qualities of Greek yogurt. According to this research from the Rovira i Virgili University in Reus, Tarragona, yogurt in general and its intake is associated with an improvement in the quality of the diet as it is a source of various micronutrients. 

The Greek, in particular:

  • It has a higher percentage of protein. 
  • It is obtained from whey, reducing lactose and, therefore, it has less carbohydrates and sugars.
  • It is ideal to add it to your dishes and replace it with other more caloric ingredients because it does not curdle when subjected to high temperatures.
  • Greek yogurt is naturally low in lactose. 
  • It is considered a vegetarian product, unless gelatin (animal collagen) is added.
  • Eating Greek yogurt is believed to increase the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting bacterial and viral infections.
  • However, this research from 2015 establishes that there is no correlation between Greek yogurt and the cardiovascular system. This statement establishes a clash with the study in the previous paragraph, whose subsequent research (2019) ensures an improvement in cholesterol due to the intake of probiotics of this type. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor. 




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