Home Remedies To Reduce Intestinal Parasites: Myth Or Reality?

A large number of undesirable hosts can be found in the intestines, such as parasites ; These unicellular organisms can reach our body by drinking water or consuming contaminated food.

The ‘big advantage’ for us is that parasites do not reproduce within the body. Therefore, they can be eliminated by some treatments, either with conventional medications or through natural remedies. Let’s know a little more about it.

How to know if we have parasites?

We can suspect that we are infected with some kind of parasite if we present one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach aches
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Weightloss
  • Excess gas
  • Presence of parasites in the stool

From now on, the ideal is that we go to a medical consultation at the same moment in which we notice any of these symptoms. In this way, through various analyzes, it will be possible to know what kind of parasite is attacking us.

However, we can also help our defenses in another way. On this occasion, we are going to highlight some home treatments that can help us get rid of them naturally.

Natural solutions against intestinal parasites


Garlic has the property of acting in the body and eliminating certain parasites, according to some studies.  For this reason, garlic is effective whether it is consumed fresh and whole on an empty stomach or when taking its capsule.

Hydrastis plant

This plant has been used since ancient times. It is believed that taken as an infusion, it could kill parasites that compromise membranous tissues of the body.

On the other hand, it is also used as a remedy for constipation, to relieve hemorrhoids, as a natural antibiotic against bacteria such as E. Coli. Despite its indisputable benefits, Hydrastis canadensis, such is its name, is in danger of extinction. It grows only in Canada and the United States.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support its alleged antiparasitic properties.

Black walnut

This nut, processed to obtain its liquid, has been  used to exterminate the common parasites that attack children.  There is no scientific evidence to corroborate these functions, but some work has been shown to combat some types of dermatological problems.


Artemisia is a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries as a natural and efficient treatment to eliminate a wide variety of intestinal parasites, since its components have the property of weakening the membranes of these organisms. Its benefits, for now, have only been shown in animals.

This herb can be prepared as an infusion, but it is also available in capsule form. Either way, it is equally effective.


The best and most effective way to prepare this plant is through a tea infusion. This natural remedy against parasites is widely used in Mexico, where it is also native.

Beyond fighting these intestinal pathogens, epazote is also involved in treatments against other conditions, such as asthma, colds, amenorrhea and malaria. However, it is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with kidney failure.

Pumpkin seeds

These seeds have been used – especially  to eliminate intestinal tapeworms. The recommended dose is 700 grams for an adult, but as long as a doctor has been consulted first.

Grapefruit extract

This extract can be found in all stores specialized in natural foods. Grapefruit extract has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. However, the evidence in this regard is inconclusive.

Additional Recommendations

Drain pineapple

When performing treatments to combat parasites, it is necessary to keep in mind that there are some foods that are best avoided during the duration of the cleansing of the intestines. Among these are:

  • Coffee
  • Refined sugar
  • Alcohol
  • High-fat foods

On the contrary, during this process it is recommended to consume:

  • Pineapple juice
  • Papaya seeds
  • Carrot juice
  • Salads
  • Sweet potato
  • Probiotics (yogurt)
  • Turmeric

Remember that these recommendations serve to complement conventional medical treatments. Logically, before starting to apply them, it is good that you consult your doctor if you can carry them out together with the treatment that he is prescribing or after having finished it. Thus, cleaning will be more effective.

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