How To Create A Good Reading Corner For Children?

A reading corner for children is a space for comfort, creativity, reflection and imagination. It is not necessary to have luxury furniture, but to gather the necessary elements to invite the child to read quietly for a good time.

The important thing is to promote the habit of reading. 

The first thing we have to do is ask ourselves: what is the main thing that a reading corner for children should have? And depending on the elements that we consider basic, the next thing will be to evaluate the space that is available.

As for the budget, we should not worry too much. You’ll find out why in no time.

Characteristics of a reading corner for children

A good reading corner for children must have the appropriate lighting.

Ideally, place it near a source of natural light (usually a window) and place an auxiliary lamp with a bulb that emits white light. As for the main bulb in the room, this can be yellow light, which are the most common.

Now, this lamp must be placed in the place where the reader is going to be: either a table, desk or behind an armchair.

The important thing is that the lamp illuminates the book from above so that you do not have to strain your eyes, especially in the evening. After all, lighting is what allows you to enjoy the activity.

Creating a reading corner is beneficial for our children.

The furniture

Regardless of the spaciousness of the room, it is essential to place a bookcase. It is not necessary to fill it out completely, especially if the children are taking the first steps in reading. In fact, it is recommended to leave it as free as possible so that the little one is encouraged to add the books of his liking.

The shelf can be a separate piece of furniture or a series of shelves arranged on the wall.

It is worth trying to make the furniture beautiful and creative.

Regarding the selection of books, we recommend that you inform yourself well about the most appropriate proposals according to age.

Also, do not rush to buy the new features of the moment: the bestsellers  of today should not compose or 90 or 100% of the readings.

Be varied, look for a children’s edition of a classic, include books with illustrations, stories and novels in a genre that arouses their curiosity.

The importance of the desktop

Believe it or not, a good children’s reading corner requires at least a small, firm surface to lean on.

A small table and a comfortable chair will suffice.

Let us remember that reading and writing are habits that are closely related and that are worth strengthening.

On the table, there should only be a pencil, a blank notebook, and a colored box. In this way, if the child wants to read at the table, they can place them aside, without causing any hindrance. And if, on the contrary, you want to draw or write, you will have what you need at hand.

The seat

The last fundamental characteristic of a good reading corner for children is the chair or armchair.

Before being pretty, a chair always has to be comfortable; that is, you must allow your neck and back to support properly so that they can rest while reading.

It also has to be soft enough to be able to provide comfort over relatively long periods of time. And yes, we can add a soft cushion and a blanket.

The walls

Should the walls be decorated? Preferably not. The idea is to prevent the corner from becoming a cluster of accessories.

Remember that you have to leave room for the mind to wander and reflect freely. Placing too many visual stimuli here and there will only overwhelm the child. So it is best to avoid decorating the walls, as much as possible.

And the toys?

It is preferable not to place toys in plain sight in a children’s reading corner, as these can easily distract them.

Although you can place a small box or a trunk with toys so that children can recreate the universe of their readings and have fun. Of course, you can always leave a couple of toys outside for decoration. You don’t have to go to extremes.

The children's reading space should be welcoming.

The key accessories for comfort

  • Puffs.
  • Cushions.
  • Blankets.
  • Carpet. 

In short, for the children’s reading corner to be perfect, the important thing is to take advantage of the available space.

Do not rush to decorate the space, check various sources to evaluate options and adapt them to what you consider most convenient.

On the other hand, if your child is old enough, do not hesitate to make him feel part of the creation of this space; this way you will encourage him to enjoy it from the beginning.

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