I Do What I Feel Without Regrets

Personal freedom is something that not everyone can achieve in their life. The “doing what I feel” without burdens of conscience and in fullness should be, without a doubt, something to be carried out always, with respect, with intelligence, tact and also with courage.

However, we know that it is not easy. Sometimes our responsibilities little by little become our ties  and, far from carrying them with satisfaction, we bear them with great difficulty.

Hence, it is necessary to establish priorities. We should not be responsible for people who harm us or veto our freedom. The heavy loads that put chains on our feet also cause great injuries to our personal growth. We invite you to reflect on it.

Doing what I feel is listening to the voice of my heart

Throughout our lives we come to hide many things, and we do it thinking that, with this, we maintain the balance in our environment.

  • We silence our wants and needs because we think that they will not fit with those of our family or our partner.
  • We keep a lot of words to ourselves because we don’t want to hurt others.
  • We hold back the desire to do many things because we tell ourselves that “it is not the moment”, that “it is too late” or that “I will make a fool of myself”.

We could say that, in a way, we live more focused on the outside than on the inside. Hence, it is important to keep in mind a few simple things to think about for a few minutes.

My needs can and should be harmonized with those of others

Nobody is selfish for taking into account their needs and acting freely according to their essences, their personality. ” Doing what I feel” should be possible within the limits of respect and balance.

If we want to take a weekend off alone or with a friend, neither our family nor our partner should take it the wrong way. The basis of happiness is in trust and respect. 

Freedom is a need and an essential aspiration for the human being. It is necessary to achieve it within our possibilities.

  • It is important to be free to choose what we want and what we do not want at all times.
  • It is necessary to have that freedom to choose which personal and professional path we want.
  • Freedom when communicating is essential, since with it we will be able to be congruent with what we feel, think and what we do.

If there are dissonances between these three aspects for a long time, we can end up with weakened self-esteem.

Do what I feel with respect and intelligence without taking criticism into account

Do what by prioritizing regardless of criticism

If we do what we want knowing where the limits are and what our priorities are, nothing should stop us, let alone limit us.

  • You know that your children – if you have them – come first, you know that you have work and family obligations. However, these aspects should not put up walls when it comes to worrying about your personal growth.
  • It’s about knowing how to find the balance. There where nothing and nobody can have absolute control over us. It is about being able to say “I do what I feel with passion and pleasure, knowing that every effort is worth it”.

Keys to putting personal freedom into practice

I do what I feel feeling my personal freedom

1. Value your priorities

We pointed it out to you in the previous point. Priorities are those aspects that we cannot and do not want to give up. However, some important aspects must be taken into account:

  • Priorities cannot completely dominate our life. Life is not just work. Life does not revolve exclusively around our partners or living 24 hours a day centered on our children. Especially if they are older. We must also promote their independence and personal freedom.
  • Your priorities should not be too many. The most common is that there are no more than three: family, work and personal growth priority,  that is, the one that concerns us.

2. Awareness: doing what I feel is not being selfish

Believe it or not, this is a very difficult point to carry out: How am I going to think of myself if others need me? This approach is not correct.

The most healing thought could be the following: ” I must take care of myself and look out for myself in order to be happy and thus also be able to give the best of myself to others.”

3. Relativize the criticism you may receive

Your family may be surprised by your unexpected change. “How come you have signed up for that course now?”, “Now you’re going on a trip?” Have you left your partner after so long?

What others think does not matter, and we will give explanations only once. Each one is the architect of his own happiness and, to be happy, it is necessary to be in balance between what he wants, thinks, needs and what he does.

There may come a time in our life when we end up saying that “I do what I feel and I don’t regret it”. It is the step of maturity and personal freedom, where we act with respect towards others, but also towards ourselves.

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