Major Neurocognitive Disorder

Major neurocognitive disorder is a disease in which higher brain functions are impaired as a result of neuronal damage. Over time, the patient will see his autonomy affected even in the most daily activities.

Today, as life expectancy increases with the consequent aging of the population, major neurocognitive disorder is considered a global problem. There is no cure for this disease, but the symptoms can be treated.

Major neurocognitive disorder

Neurocognitive disorders, as a generic concept, often affect memory, perception, or problem solving. That is, to the so-called neurocognitive functions.

The most direct neurocognitive disorders include amnesia, dementia, and delirium . Major neurocognitive disorder usually affects older people over 60 years of age.

According to data from the World Health Organization, there are approximately 50 million cases in the world.

Symptoms and stages

Representation of brain with a stethoscope

When it comes to major neurocognitive disorder, the main symptoms are manifested through affections to different areas of mental function. The patient experiences a degenerative process in his autonomy and ability to perform activities. The following stand out:

  • Language and perception.
  • Memory, thought or judgment.
  • The emotional behavior or personality of the patient.

In addition, there are a series of symptoms related to the disorder that the patient may suffer. These are hallucinations, depression, aggressiveness or delusions. In the evolutionary process of major neurocognitive disorder,  three stages can be differentiated, which we will describe below.

Initial stage of the disease

The first symptoms consist of mild and gradual manifestations. Above all, the patient experiences infrequent forgetfulness and episodes of disorientation in time or space.

Middle stage of major neurocognitive disorder

As the disease develops, the manifestations will become more evident. The patient begins to need help, even to carry out normal activities such as washing, shopping or paying bills.

In addition, forgetfulness becomes more serious and frequent, as well as they can become disoriented in their own home with mild episodes of amnesia. Difficulties in communication may also be experienced.

Advanced stage

In the most advanced stage of the major neurocognitive disorder, as it progressively worsens, the patient experiences more and more difficulty in carrying out activities. You may even experience aggressive behaviors. Ultimately, dependency and complete inactivity can occur.

Alzheimer’s as a form of major neurocognitive disorder

Alzheimer's patient

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. In fact, this disease appears in 60-80% of cases in which the major neurocognitive disorder is diagnosed. Currently, there is no direct cure for Alzheimer’s, just as there is no cure for major neurocognitive disorder.

Yes, there are a series of treatments focused on the symptoms, in such a way that they improve the quality of life of the patient. In addition, they can slow down the development of the disease. Today, Alzheimer’s is one of the priorities in biomedical research.

Treatment of major neurocognitive disorder

It must be remembered that the major neurocognitive disorder, today, has no cure. The progressive development of the disease is inevitable. Treatment is focused on improving the quality of life of the patient.

First of all, the importance of teamwork of nurses, doctors and social workers should be mentioned , because this is a multifactorial disorder.

In the treatment of this disorder, the role of the main caregiver is essential, since it is this who controls the evolution of the disease. It is very important to avoid complications, adherence to treatment or side effects of drugs.

Family support will be essential, so that the patient is always accompanied. In addition, occupational therapies and support networks can greatly help the patient.

In many cases, prevention against certain secondary causes of the disease such as hypertension, cholesterol or obesity is interesting. The idea is to act against risk factors that may predispose them.

There are a number of treatments used for certain symptoms that can be associated with major cognitive disorder. These symptoms are hallucinations, delusions, depression or aggressiveness, among others. The drugs that are used in these cases are antipsychotics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

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