Nuts, What Quantities Are Appropriate?

Nuts are one of the healthiest foods that we have within our reach and must be present in all diets to the right extent to obtain their benefits in our health.

Nuts cover a good part of the necessary amount of an essential macronutrient for our health, fat. Although for many people, fats have become a widespread health problem, the truth is that unsaturated fats, such as nuts, are essential and very beneficial.

Some of the most popular fats for our health are fish such as salmon, or nuts. These fats:

  • They are carriers of essential fatty acids such as omega 3, which help us control our appetite thanks to the feeling of satiety.
  • They help improve our hormonal activity and insulin sensitivity.


Nuts, in addition to being a great source of so-called “healthy fats”, also provide our body with phosphorus and calcium, which must be consumed in all diets and in sufficient quantities.

On the other hand, we must think that every day there are many more people who have allergies to nuts and, therefore, we must take the indicated amount and from those to whom we do not suffer negative side effects.

The most consumed nuts are almonds, chestnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and pistachios. We can also include sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds as nuts to consume daily.

How should nuts be taken?

Nuts contain a type of acid that is considered a mineral thief . Therefore, the ideal is to take nuts after having soaked them for a few hours in water. In this way, we get part of the phytic acid to pass into the water, and we activate the nutrients allowing us to take advantage of the minerals and vitamins.

In addition, soaking the nuts facilitates the subsequent digestion of the nuts. 

The nuts can be consumed in snacks and main meals, accompanying breakfast cereals, or our stews and salads. In any case, we must bear in mind that the best way to consume our nuts is raw, that is, without roasting and without added salt, and later soaked in water.

Nut allergies

Nuts cover a great variety of them and, although we have allergies to some, it may not be to all of them. However, if we are aware of these allergies or if we feel unwell after having consumed them, it will be important to undergo the appropriate medical tests to know exactly which fruit or fruits we have an allergy to.

The nuts that tend to give more allergies are peanuts and walnuts ; However, a person with an allergy to them can continue to consume almonds, chestnuts, pistachios, etc.

Nut abuse

All healthy foods, in their proper consumption and variety, are beneficial for the balance of our body, and, although the consumption of unsaturated fats such as nuts can help you lose weight, if you exceed their consumption, they can have an effect opposite to wanted. So people who are on a diet because they are overweight should be very careful with consumption.

In any case, a general rule of thumb to know how much to consume each day suggests consuming portions no larger than the size of your fist, or more or less, maximum 30 grams per day.

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