One Week Detox Plan With Green Smoothies

Discover in this article how you can make a simple one week detox plan with the help of delicious and surprising green smoothies. Test it!

Still don’t know what a detox plan is and what its health benefits are? A detox or cleansing plan is a method of cleansing the body that can be used to adopt healthy lifestyle habits or improve existing ones. Ready to find out more? In this article we show you how to make a one-week detox plan with green smoothies.

Many people associate cleansing plans only with the elimination of toxins, but this is not the only benefit they can provide. In fact, they can help us feel better and more energetic on a daily basis, as well as improve our appearance and achieve a balanced and healthy weight.

What is a detox plan?

Woman drinking green smoothie as part of a detox plan.

A detox plan is carried out in a short period of time and, although it contributes to the elimination of toxins from the body through food and natural supplements, it can also help eliminate retained fluids, for example.

There are many types of purifications: with juices, smoothies, medicinal plants, superfoods, syrups, soups, etc. There are also many miracle diets that promise incredible results by consuming only one food for a time. These options, in addition to being extreme, can have various health consequences.

To avoid falling into this, we consider that a detox plan should help maintain variety and balance in the diet, and, above all, be a complement to a healthy lifestyle. Thus we will achieve the results gradually, without health risks or unnecessary sacrifices.

What are its benefits?

  • Raise your defenses.
  • Get energy and vitality.
  • Eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and predispose us to diseases of all kinds.
  • Improve skin health and prevent premature aging.
  • Improve the function of internal organs such as the liver and kidneys.
  • Balance the digestive system and combat the most common intestinal disorders, such as heavy digestion.

    Does it also serve as a beauty treatment?

    The detox plan will not only help us to be more active and healthy in general, but it can also help us look better. Specifically, in terms of skin, hair, and nails.

    Due to the type of foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that it combines, it helps prevent aging and the appearance of premature wrinkles, as well as:

    • Balance the sebum of the skin and hair, with an extra shine and softness.
    • Minimize impurities on the face and prevent the appearance of new ones.

    Green smoothies, complements for the day to day

    We should not be scared by the color of these smoothies since, although the predominant pigment is green, its flavor is sweet due to the combination of vegetables with fruits.

    Those who try them are not only greatly surprised by their delicious taste, but from the first day they can already notice their health benefits.

    To carry out the one-week detox plan , we propose to combine different vegetables and fruits.  However, here we bring you a recipe for an excellent green smoothie.


    • 1 piece of fruit.
    • Oat flakes (24 g).
    • 2 glasses of water (400 ml).
    • Raw green vegetables (100 g).
    • 1 teaspoon of spirulina powder (4 g).
    • 1 teaspoon of powdered wheatgrass (5 g).

    Note : The ideal is to consume these shakes as a snack, never as a substitute for main meals, as this could lead to malnutrition problems. On the other hand, it is important to understand that, for these shakes to provide benefits, it is necessary to eliminate the consumption of ultra-processed, bagged snacks and edibles and industrial beverages in general.

    One week detox


    We started the week-long detox plan with a spinach and strawberry smoothie. This shake is rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin C, making it  excellent for fighting and preventing fatigue.  In addition, spinach is good for cardiovascular health.


    Tuesday’s smoothie has a spicy and refreshing touch thanks to its two main ingredients: arugula and pineapple. This shake is very cleansing. It also improves digestive function and fluid elimination.


    We arrived on Wednesday with a different and exotic smoothie: chard and mango. This shake, rich in beta-carotene, is highly antioxidant, remineralizing and supports intestinal function.


    For these smoothies we can take advantage of some green leaves that we do not usually consume and combine them with fruits to improve their flavor: In this case we will mix radish and pear leaves. It is a very detoxifying shake that improves liver and kidney function.


    Sportsman with mobile drinking a green juice.

    The weekend is approaching and we have to promote purification: watercress and apple . It is an excellent combination to take care of the health of the liver.


    On Saturday we propose a very nutritious smoothie: beet greens and avocado. This shake provides a large amount of vitamins. In addition to essential fatty acids and minerals.


    We end the week with a purple smoothie: lamb’s lettuce and blueberries. This shake helps us prevent urine infections and improve eyesight.

    Now that you know this one-week detox plan , go ahead and do it and feel much better. If this plan does not improve your health, visit your trusted doctor. He will be able to recommend the best treatment for you.

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