Papaya Remedy For Abdominal Distention

Bloating is one of the most common ailments among women. We have all felt on numerous occasions that annoying condition where we notice our swollen and full belly, as if we had eaten more than necessary.

According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, it can be due to multiple causes, some more difficult to identify than others.

It is common that, every time we feel this problem, we turn to drugs to “relieve gas.” Therefore, we must be clear that abdominal distention can occur for many reasons, and therefore it is necessary to know what causes it before resorting to self-medication.

In general, a swollen belly is usually resolved well with a proper diet, and above all, with simple remedies that we want to talk to you about today.

Causes of abdominal distention

That “bulging tummy” that we almost always notice at the end of the day is not an accumulation of fat nor does it mean that we have gained weight as if by magic.

And is that despite being a common ailment, sometimes it can be caused by problems that require specific medical treatment. Therefore, if you perceive that this discomfort is something constant in you, do not hesitate to make an appointment with the specialist.

We invite you to learn about the most common causes of abdominal distention.

Woman with abdominal distention


Constipation is the most common cause of the ever-recurring abdominal bloating in women. It is enough that we spend a few days “without being able to go to the bathroom” so that we feel pressure and heaviness in the belly. This is assured by this research from the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital (Madrid).

  • The intestines fill with toxins and yeast that ferment. Those internal processes caused by waste substances that we do not dispose of properly end up accumulating.
    • Keep in mind that dirty intestines make it difficult to absorb nutrients properly. And even more, these will reach the bloodstream accompanied by waste substances that can make us sick.

    Never forget that chronic constipation requires proper treatment.


    According to the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, dyspepsia affects almost 30% of the population. Many times it has genetic origins, while other times it is caused by bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori , which causes serious changes in our digestion.

    • The digestive process is slower and gastric emptying takes a long time to occur.
    • Fermentations appear that give rise to intestinal gases produced by the microflora of the colon.
    • We feel fullness just by eating a few bites and we notice the belly very tight, with pain.

    Food intolerances

    Sometimes we are intolerant to many foods and we do not even realize it. It is not necessary that vomiting and fever appear to perceive that we are allergic to a product. A heavy, slow and painful digestion is already a clue.

    • Sometimes, the intestine is unable to digest normally some common component of our diet, according to this study from the Virgen del Camino Hospital (Navarra). It is common with dairy products or foods with gluten.
    • When a food is not digested well, what happens is that it stays in the intestine, fermenting until it produces diarrhea or constipation, in addition to the consequent abdominal inflammation.

    Fluid retention

    Fluid retention is caused by an increase in the volume of interstitial fluid, almost always caused by circulatory or kidney problems.

    An inadequate diet, or a sedentary life cause this inflammation of the tissues that is almost always located in the belly and legs. Fluid retention is, along with constipation, one of the most common causes of abdominal distention.

    Papaya remedy for bloating

    papaya smoothie

    Papaya and its digestive enzymes

    One of the best ways to combat bloating is to consume papaya. According to the Imperial College of Science and Technology (United Kingdom), thanks to papain, a wonderful digestive enzyme present in the pulp and leaves of this fruit, we are able to reduce inflammation of the intestine and the walls of the stomach.

    • Another interesting fact about papaya is that it allows us to digest proteins in a more adequate way, stimulating at the same time cellular reactions for the synthesis of nutrients.
    • The enzymes in papaya can also be useful for people with pancreas problems. Thanks to this delicious tropical fruit we improve digestion, eliminate gas and fight abdominal distention.

    Anti-inflammatory smoothie to combat bloating


    • 1 cup of chopped papaya (140 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (15 g)
    • 1/2 tablespoon of green tea (10 g)
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • This smoothie is very easy to prepare and will allow you to improve your digestion and fight abdominal inflammation. To do this, the first thing we will do is infuse green tea with that glass of water.
    • Once you have it ready, let it rest for 20 minutes while we chop the papaya and obtain the tablespoon of aloe vera.
    • We’re going to the blender now. Here, we will include our infusion of green tea, diced papaya and aloe vera. Try to get a very homogeneous smoothie with these three ingredients that are so good for digestive health.
    • If you start the day with this natural papaya-based remedy, you will notice how you arrive at the end of the day with a smoother stomach. Your digestions will stop being heavy and we will fight constipation.

    Do you dare to try it?

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