Pineapple Water To Treat Fluid Retention

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, and it is also a good diuretic. It has anti-inflammatory effects, so it can help reduce inflammation or swelling, while allowing you to eliminate fluids.

Did you know that pineapple water can help you avoid fluid retention? Do you know the dangers of accumulating more fluid than normal?

The veins and lymphatic ducts are responsible for filtering the excess fluids in the blood to return them to the kidney and eliminate them through the urine.

Therefore, when the lymphatic system has problems in its functioning, fluids are retained. This can lead to health problems such as weight gain, cellulite, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Because blood has difficulty transporting compounds in fluids, the body becomes inflamed, especially in the hands, ankles, hips, and wrists.

Luckily, there are natural remedies such as pineapple that stimulate the lymphatic system function to combat the condition and prevent it from affecting health.

Why does pineapple fight fluid retention?

Diuretics are responsible for boosting the functioning of the lymphatic system to eliminate fluids and retained toxins.

People often confuse the diuretic effect with that of fat burning since both can contribute to weight loss.

However, it is very important to clarify that in the first case this occurs by eliminating liquids and not by eliminating calories.


Pineapple is one of those foods that serves as a diuretic. Its main benefits are attributed to nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins A, C, K, B6 and B9 (folic acid).
  • Minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and iron.
  • Low in carbohydrates and calories.
  • High content of fiber and bromelain.
  • Bromelain, a mixture of enzymes with antioxidant powers that play a very important role in reducing fluid retention.

How to prepare pineapple water?

pineapple juice

Pineapple water is one of the most popular ways to take advantage of the benefits of this fruit to combat fluid retention.

It is a special recipe that for many years has gained popularity for its effectiveness when consumed frequently.


  • Pineapple peels
  • 1 liter and a half of water
  • Cinnamon (optional)


  • First, wash and cut the pineapple peels and cook them over high heat with a liter and a half of water and, if you like, with a little cinnamon.
  • Then let the water boil for 20 minutes.
  • Finally, after this time, remove it from the heat, let it rest and drink a glass on an empty stomach.

Tips to keep in mind

  • Before serving, strain the mixture. But it is recommended to keep the shells in the remaining water so that their properties are more concentrated in the time it lasts in the refrigerator.
  • If you like, you can vary the recipe by adding a little ginger and honey.
  • Also, when the water runs out you can reuse the shells once to prepare a new dose.
  • On the other hand, the ideal is to have a glass on an empty stomach and before each main meal to enhance its satiating effect and avoid excessive calorie intake.

How long should it be taken?

To combat fluid retention, you should drink at least two glasses a day.

It is recommended to consume this water for 15 days in a row, rest 7 and then restart the treatment.

Other important benefits of drinking pineapple water

Although its main purpose is to combat fluid retention and contribute to weight loss, pineapple water has other important benefits:

  • It has a slight laxative effect that improves bowel movement and prevents constipation.
  • It is a natural scrubber, ideal for eliminating toxins that accumulate in the bloodstream.
  • Its high content of vitamins and minerals help strengthen the immune system to prevent illnesses such as flu and colds.
  • It helps to improve circulation and prevents hypertension.
  • In addition, it helps in the treatment of obesity and weight control.
  • Its antioxidant power helps stop the action of free radicals to prevent chronic diseases and premature aging.
  • On the other hand, it helps to reduce high cholesterol levels.
  • In addition, it is a hydrating drink, ideal for those who do not like to drink plain water and, in addition, it is very refreshing.

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