The 5 Keys To Respect In A Relationship

For any couple, respect is a necessary pillar in their relationship. However, we do not always know how to respect the other as he would like to be respected.

The basic problem of respect as such lies in the fact that we all want to receive it . Now, we first forget to offer it to those in front of us.

It is curious that most people know how to define what respect is and what its principles are. However, not everyone applies it correctly in their day to day life.

It is as if, somehow, we prioritize that of “respect me and then I will respect you. ” This becomes even more complex in relationships, since we often take for granted that whoever loves us will respect us.

Unfortunately, this does not always happen, because respect in a partner is not based only on not getting hurt. That is to say, we are facing a psychological and emotional fabric where the maximum purpose goes a little further: we seek a respect that takes care of us, that allows us to grow and that, in turn, makes us accomplices of each other.

Read this article and you will be able to delve into this topic and discover what are the keys to respect in a relationship.

1. Respect needs intentionality

A man showing respect to a woman, which is a key pillar in a relationship.

We live in a world where words sell, where people share phrases full of goodness, coexistence and harmony on their social networks that, later, in real life and in their daily lives, they do not practice with the same feeling.

Therefore, to show respect it is necessary to do it with a clear intention. If not, it is of no use.

Also,  love, by itself, is not enough for a relationship to flourish or to keep it afloat. It takes many more dimensions that, together, give full meaning to that relationship to that commitment.

Therefore, practicing a daily respect where to attend and be cared for, where to show interest, active listening, reciprocity and where one is able to anticipate the real needs of the other gives shape to that respect that feeds us, that makes us feel good.

2. Empathy: a basic pillar

No one can ever show authentic respect if they do not apply real, close, intuitive and sincere empathy.

The human brain is, above all, an entity developed thanks to sociability, our interactions and that bond that has allowed us to survive as a species in consolidated groups.

Empathy, and the mirror neurons that shape it, allow us to see the other as part of ourselves . We understand and understand what our partner feels without having to tell us in words.

This is, without a doubt, essential to apply that respect in which we know what to do, what to say and what not to say in order to take care of that person who is so important to us.

3. The importance of knowing your partner in all areas

There are those who say they know their own partner as oneself when, in reality, what is prioritized is the person themselves, forcing the couple to have the same needs and tastes. Therefore, we must be clear that:

  • When it comes to building a healthy and happy relationship, it is not essential that we agree on everything.
  • We must respect the passions, tastes and beliefs of the other. This is fundamental, as is knowing your partner, knowing what you do not like, what makes you uncomfortable and what are those little details that shape your personality, your identity.

Without knowledge there is no respect. Otherwise, almost without realizing it, we will end up sabotaging the person we love by believing that certain things are not important.

We will be violating the needs of the other that we “label” a priori as not important, thus disappointing our partner.

4. Gratitude

Gratitude is important to a couple.

When was the last time you thanked your partner for anything?

A thank you for being who you are “, a “thank you for being by my side every day” or a “thank you for making me happy”, is a way of practicing that respect based on recognition, on valuing who we love, on giving importance who is important to us.

The gratitude practiced with humility strengthens any bond, and more that of the couple.

5. The importance of small details

Respect is not shown with great punctual acts of courage. The happiest and longest relationship is one that knows how to take care of everyday details. This is where respect is wise, it is intuitive, and it knows how to shine a light on what is important.

On the other hand, we cannot forget that these details are also transmitted through good communication. Hence, it is advisable:

  • Make use of words of appreciation.
  • Communicate without shouting, taking care of the tone.
  • Use relational communication, with phrases like “I know how you feel and I respect you for it”, “tell me how I can help you” or “tell me what I can do to make you happier”.

By following these simple tips, your love relationship can improve considerably. The basis of this is respect, so if you know how to work it, it won’t take long to see how everything goes better with your partner.

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