There Is No Reason To Like Everyone: Not Everyone Has Good Taste

On the highest scale of useless suffering is undoubtedly our concern to please everyone. It is very possible that you are telling yourself right now that that does not characterize you, that it does not suit you and that you do not worry at all about having to adjust to everyone’s tastes and preferences to fit in.

Now, in a way, we’ve all done it at some point and we still do it on a small scale. People, to be part of social and emotional environments, we are obliged to harmonize, to tune in with others.

This often forces us to have to please, to be courteous and even to say “yes” when we feel like saying “no”. The key to everything is in balance, assertiveness and emotional intelligence.

We all like to be liked and to be seen as accessible people, but this should never make us fall into the slavery of liking everyone equally. We suggest you reflect on this in the following article.

The agonizing need to please everyone

People need to “like”, and whoever thinks otherwise is wrong. To like means, for example, to refine our seduction skills to attract that possible partner who catches our attention. Like is to give a good image in a job interview with which to get a job and a projection of the future.

We want to please people who are like us to have them as friends, and we cannot deny that sometimes we have to give in a little with our relatives so that there is harmony. However, giving a little is not losing a lot.

It is balancing the scales so that we can all coexist. Because if each of us acted only in our own interest, setting limits and building walls, we would lose our sense of society.

Although the question that now comes to mind would be the following: Where is the limit? Where is the border between my identity and what society requires of me to feel integrated? We explain it to you below.

That intimate process of self-discovery

We all have our own essence, and this essence is nothing more than a personal baggage where our values, our emotions, self-esteem and self-concept are found.

That personal journey where we discover ourselves is a process that lasts a lifetime. During adolescence it is common to develop that need to like everyone. We have just landed in the world as social beings in search of the first experiences and we need, above all, to feel integrated.

This sometimes makes the adolescent feel a serious dissonance between what he is or feels and what the rest want from him. Society asks you to be attractive, perfect and independent. Fashions homogenize them in such a way that their particularities, their essences are erased. It is not the right thing to do.

We have all gone through these stages to wake up, at last, in that inner balance where we discover that we like to be unique, special and at the same time different from the rest.

The adventure of being yourself

Far from what many think, being yourself is not easy. There are, on the one hand, the expectations of our environment, our family, society itself and our jobs.

We are asked to be good children, good partners, and effective workers. Although sometimes we end up experiencing blackmail and those situations where certain things are required of us that go against our values.

The adventure of being yourself requires, whether we like it or not, having to experience small confrontations. However, you should not see it as a bad thing.

Setting limits on what we want and what we are not willing to do allows others to relate much better with us, because they understand who we are.

Not everyone has “good taste” to appreciate you

The world does not end with a “no, I don’t like you”, in fact, it opens up other more suitable paths for us. Because whoever makes an effort every day to please everyone distances himself from himself and from that personal path where self-esteem, balance, and identity are inscribed.

If someone doesn’t have the “good taste” to appreciate your character, your outrageous laugh, your sense of humor, your sarcasm and your passion for life, don’t worry.

For someone who makes a face of disgust, there are dozens who empathize with you, with that vital air that defines you and makes you unique. So do not hesitate, enjoy every day the adventure of being yourself.

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