Tips To Avoid Gas And Indigestion

Anyone can suffer from gas and indigestion at any time in their life. For this reason, it is important to know how to avoid these problems.

Both complaints are very common and often have their origin in habits that, without realizing it, harm us. Some of them are: eating more than necessary, eating too quickly, talking while eating, among others.

When good digestion is not carried out, it is normal to experience various discomforts, ranging from a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, to inflammation. Now, it is not normal to suffer from gas and indigestion on a daily basis.

Therefore, in this situation, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible for an evaluation but it is also important to evaluate and correct any possible bad eating habits that we have. To help you, here are some tips that may help you.

Gas and indigestion: ways to avoid them

woman eating an apple

1. Chew food well

Not chewing food well leads to gas and indigestion because the work that should have been done in the mouth must now be done in the stomach. And since this organ is forced to fulfill yet another function, it becomes overloaded and, therefore, works slower.

On the other hand, when food is not chewed well and swallowed hastily, air is also swallowed and this favors the formation of gases.

Eating slowly and chewing well favors salivation and the correct swallowing of all foods, in this way, digestion is facilitated and, even, a good feeling of satiety is obtained.

2. Drink water in moderation

Suffering from gas and indigestion can also be the consequence of a very common habit: drinking too much water while eating. And even worse if it is ice water.

Water prevents acids from breaking down food and therefore their reach is reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to take small sips or avoid drinking water during the meal. It is preferable to drink a glass of water before eating.

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3. Rest after eating

Taking time to rest after a meal is an excellent habit that helps avoid all kinds of gastrointestinal problems. Ideally, take 15-20 minutes of rest. 

Both doing physical activity immediately after eating, and going to bed to sleep, prevent a good digestion from taking place, therefore, you have to avoid both one thing and the other. If you need to do sports despite this, try to keep food intake short and easy to digest.

4. Eat early

Many people have a bad habit of eating something before going to sleep. Even if it is something light, it is best to eat at least 3 hours before going to bed. In this way, the stomach will have enough time to do its work.

5. Learn to properly manage stress

The stomach is an organ that is very sensitive to emotional problems. For this reason, when you suffer from excess stress or nervousness, the stomach often begins to pronounce itself and experience discomfort such as gas, inflammation, abdominal pain, among others. Therefore, it  is recommended to learn to manage emotional tension.

To consider

Obviously, to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort it is essential to eat a balanced diet, rich in healthy foods and, of course, enough water.

In this sense, it is convenient to avoid all those foods that are potentially heavy on the stomach : spicy, acidic, fatty, processed, junk and related foods.

Likewise, it must be remembered that both excess caffeine and fiber consumption are very harmful to health. Added to this, smoking and alcoholism are habits that must be eradicated from the lifestyle.

By putting the aforementioned tips into practice, you can stop suffering from gas and indigestion. But if the discomfort occurs more than 2 times a week, it is advisable to visit the doctor, since they could indicate a greater problem; such as an intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome.

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