Tips To Eliminate Acne That Appears On The Chin

There are certain tips that you can follow to improve the quality of your skin and avoid acne that appears on the chin.

Acne is a cosmetic problem that can appear at any age. However, the most common is that it is suffered during adolescence. To eliminate acne, there are certain tricks that can help you. Especially when it is a consequence of some hormonal imbalances.

However, acne can also be a symptom of a health problem that we must discover if we want to eliminate it completely. The most important thing is to go to the dermatologist before starting any treatment.

Exfoliate gently

The impurities that accumulate on the skin are those that favor the appearance of acne. To eliminate them, it is advisable to exfoliate the skin of the skin on a regular basis. In addition, in this way, the regeneration of the skin is stimulated.

For acne skin it is enough to do it once a week. The ideal is to do it gently since, if not, it can irritate the skin and facilitate superinfection.

To do this, you can use a little bicarbonate mixed with aloe vera, natural or gel, since aloe vera has important properties to fight acne, as this study published in the International Journal of Aromatherapy shows.   With this mixture you will have a grainy ointment. Massage the skin gently, in the form of circles, insisting a little more on the areas with more acne.

Next, rinse off with warm or cold water and gently pat your skin dry so it doesn’t get redder. When you do an exfoliation it is advisable to finish hydrating the skin well so that it does not dry out.

Moisturize without greasing

All skins need good hydration, even if they are oily skin. However, the type of moisturizing lotion will vary depending on what skin you have.

The chin is part of the T zone, which tends to have excess oil, especially if you suffer from acne. There are natural moisturizing products that may be suitable for this type of skin:

  • Aloe vera.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Jojoba oil

You can use them separately or combine them. On hot days you probably prefer the fresh and watery texture of aloe vera. On the contrary, on dry and cold days, it may be better to nourish the skin with one of these two oils. This is because, despite having an oily texture, they are very easily absorbed.

Regulating hormones helps clear acne

The acne that appears on the chin is usually related to hormonal imbalances that can be suffered in certain stages of life:

  • Adolescence.
  • Days of menstruation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Menopause.

However, it can also occur even if you are not in any of these stages. If you are concerned, do not hesitate to consult a specialist.

In any of these cases, it may be beneficial to take a natural supplement that helps regulate hormones, with little risk of side effects. The most recommended are the following:

  • Bruise.
  • Chasteberry.
  • Sage.
  • Evening primrose oil.
  • Flax oil

Ideally, take them for at least 3 months to see the results.

It is important to  always consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking any treatment. Especially during pregnancy or if we suffer from any illness.

Effective and natural treatment to eliminate acne on the chin


Avoid bad fats

Although it is not fully proven, diet can influence the skin. Therefore, those foods that seem to favor the appearance of acne should be avoided:

  • Red meat and sausage.
  • Whole milk, fatty cheeses and dairy products with high fat content (creams, creams, ice creams, etc.).
  • Margarine and other hydrogenated fats.
  • Refined vegetable oils.

Also avoid sugar and refined flours. The ideal is to increase the consumption of fresh foods (fruits and vegetables), nuts and seeds, legumes and fish.

Promote sweating

Every time you sweat, you make it easier for the skin to remove toxins that otherwise build up and promote acne. One way to promote sweating, and thus help eliminate acne, is to do cardiovascular exercise at least twice a week.

Another option is to drink ginger infusions, a remedy that helps increase body temperature and metabolism. It is also effective to do sports outdoors, such as, for example, on the beach or in the mountains.

Sea water and exposure to the sun at the recommended hours can be beneficial for the skin and will help you clear acne more quickly.

Images courtesy of ER and Jenny, Fernando Stankuns and SteFou !.

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