Tips To Purify And Revitalize Your Pancreas

In addition to taking care of our diet, to purify our pancreas it is very important that we do physical activity and spend a few minutes a day relaxing and meditating

We do not usually give much importance to the pancreas, however it is a vital organ. And we don’t even know where it is located! However, this forgotten one does many things for us and it is necessary to repay him in some way.

How? Keep reading this article for the best tips to debug and revitalize it.

Facts about the pancreas (that you may not know)

This organ is located behind the stomach, more precisely on the left side of the abdomen. It is light brown in color and is responsible for producing insulin. This hormone is very important because it regulates the storage of nutrients. The pancreas has two types of functions:

  • Endocrine: By regulating blood sugar and glucagon levels.
  • Exocrine: By producing pancreatic juice that helps digest food.

If the pancreas is not in good condition, is working poorly, or is weakened, it cannot do its job normally. As a consequence, this can lead to pancreatitis or diabetes and, in more severe cases, pancreatic cancer.

Therefore you must bear in mind that the worst enemies of this organ are:

  • Animal fats: Especially milk and red meat.
  • Fried: Potatoes, hamburgers, pizzas, etc.
  • Refined foods: Flours and sugars.
  • Processed foods: Added with chemicals, preservatives, additives, colorants, etc.
  • Cigarette.
  • Alcoholic drinks.


How to care for the pancreas

You will surely know that this organ is very important in your life. Therefore, it is necessary that you take care of it, purify and revitalize it. Some tips to protect the pancreas are:

Eat a healthy diet

You have read before which are the foods that harm your health, so you already know what we mean by “eating a healthy diet”. On the contrary, the foods that can not be missing in your day to day are:

  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts.
  • Whole wheat flours.
  • Natural juices.
  • Herbs tea.
  • Water.

Choose cleansing foods

Choose-cleansing-foods-like-ginger-to-take care-of-your-pancreas

Within this list are:

  • Ginger.
  • Artichoke.
  • Horse tail.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Aloe vera.

Consume olive oil

A teaspoon on an empty stomach will do you very well to cleanse the pancreas. Immediately after, drink a glass of warm water and the juice of a lemon.

Do physical activity

Yoga and tai chi serve to maintain good circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body as well as to invigorate the functions of the pancreas and other important organs.

Therefore, it is good that you also do aerobic sports such as cycling, running, swimming or walking. So put aside being sedentary.

Cleanse diet for the pancreas

Once you carry out this cleansing plan (which lasts 11 days) you would have to reject all those foods that poison the pancreas. This way you will not have problems again.

Day 1

  • To start, eat citrus fruits in the morning.
  • Then have a raw salad and a vegetable broth for lunch.
  • Finally, have a plate of steamed vegetables, seasoned with lemon and olive oil.

Day 2

You can only consume fruits and they are raw.

  • In the morning citrus, again.
  • At noon have a salad.
  • Lastly, take an apple at night.

Days 3, 4 and 5

Only eat vegetables. Better if it is in salads (raw), but it can also be steamed or grilled. Never boiled or fried. Garnish with lemon and olive oil. Between meals you can eat a celery, a carrot or a tomato.

Days 6 to 11

  • You can have a fruit juice for breakfast.
  • Then have a plate of steamed vegetables for lunch.
  • Have a plate of vegetable broth and a fresh salad for dinner.
  • Finally, before going to sleep, have a fruit juice.

Purification diet for the pancreas

Physical activity-and-balanced-diet-to-take care-of-your-pancreas

It takes place for a week and, in addition to being made up of an eating plan, it includes other activities. It is based on the biological rhythms of the body:

  • From 4 in the morning to 12 noon: Debugging.
  • From 12 noon to 8 at night: Decomposition.
  • From 8 at night to 4 in the morning: Metabolic analysis.

Daily exercise is made up of:

  1. A 15-minute walk at a moderate pace, with deep breaths, early in the morning if possible.
  2. Do a meditation, prayer, or contemplation practice for at least 5 minutes. It is advisable to repeat twice a day: the first when you get up and the second when you go to bed.

The purification diet is as follows:


It can be prepared very early so that it is ready for breakfast (after exercising).


  • 1 bowl of rice or oatmeal.
  • ½ bowl of toasted cereal.
  • 1 handful of kombu seaweed.


First put everything in a saucepan, with a pinch of salt, and boil 5 minutes. Leave 2 hours before draining and eating.



It takes place after noon and will give you energy to continue the day.


  • 1 cup of toasted cereal (it can be rice, quinoa or millet).
  • 1 tablespoon of low-salt gomasio (or pumpkin seeds).
  • 3 units of vegetables (onion, leek, carrot, turnip, pumpkin …).


Make a broth with a little water to make it thick. Keep in mind that you can consume up to 2 bowls.


Same as lunch, but only 1 bowl. To drink water at any time of the day is the most recommended. You can also opt for natural herbal teas.

Do not forget that poor diet, lack of exercise, stress and sedentary lifestyle are intimate enemies of your health in general and of your pancreas in particular. In conclusion, try to lead a calmer and healthier life and you will enjoy the consequences.

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