Top 6 Tips To Prevent And Pass Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be very painful. Our doctor will prescribe a treatment for us, but there are many things we can do at home to feel better. Drinking lots of water is essential.

Our kidneys fulfill the important function of carrying out the process of expelling waste through urine. However, in many cases they fail to fulfill their function correctly and these wastes crystallize and form true stones of various sizes within the kidneys. These stones are popularly known as kidney stones or kidney stones. They are characterized by being quite painful, especially when they occur in the ureter.

One of the most common causes of kidney stones is insufficient fluid intake. This is precisely why people who live in hot climates are more susceptible to developing kidney stones. Many times we forget to drink enough fluids to compensate for the fluids that we eliminate through sweating.

Symptoms and types of kidney stones

  • Sickness.
  • Abdominal spasms
  • Discomfort in the vulva or testicles.
  • Fever.
  • Blood when urinating
  • Strong colored urine.

Kidney stones are divided according to the kind of waste that crystallizes and forms the stones:

  • Most cases are caused by calcium crystals. These are related to a diet rich in dairy products, protein, and oxalates.
  •  Uric acid crystals can also form  , which are produced by sedimentation of uric acid in the blood.
  • The struvite crystals (or staghorn) are formed by a combination of ammonium, magnesium and phosphate.
  • Finally we find the crystals of the amino acid cysteine, which are the most painful but the least frequent.

There are several types of kidney stones

Basic recommendations to prevent kidney stones

First of all, it is very important to see a doctor if you suspect that you have kidney stones. However, we can complement the treatment with natural remedies that can help prevent and expel the stones that cause us intense pain. Below we share with you the best natural remedies for this.

Increase water consumption

The consumption of water is essential in the treatment to prevent and expel these stones. That is why it is very important to drink enough fluids, especially if the day is warm or you have been doing intense physical activity. Increase your water consumption to 3-4 liters per day.

Reduce the consumption of salt

In order not to worsen the condition, the ideal is to suspend the consumption of salt. This also applies to overly spicy foods.

Reduce foods rich in oxalates

As in the case of salt, the ideal is to avoid the consumption of certain foods. They are not recommended: beets, tomatoes, turnip, purslane, spinach, endives, chard, tea, or cocoa, among others.

Beneficial plants to prevent and expel kidney stones

Remember that natural remedies can interact with other medications that we are taking and other conditions. Consequently, it is very important to consult your doctor at all times about dosages and recommendations. Finally, remember that these tips should not replace the advice of a professional at any time.

Dandelion is a plant known for its beneficial properties for kidney function


This plant is indicated to prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys and their expulsion. Its properties could  stimulate the production of urine, helping to cause the expulsion of stones in the kidneys. To take advantage of its benefits, you should prepare an infusion and drink at least 3 cups a day.

Pomegranate juice

The pomegranate has become famous for its multiple health properties and thanks to its nutritional contributions. What few know is that it can also be a great ally to prevent kidney stones. This is due to its diuretic properties and antioxidant load. The ideal is to prepare an organic pomegranate juice and drink it very fresh several times a day.

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