Tricks Not To Bite Your Nails

Those who feel that their hands are a disaster and cannot stop biting their nails, need to know some tips and tricks to avoid biting their nails or at least begin to eliminate this bad habit.

It should be taken into account that nails can carry germs and dirt that, when they come into contact with the mouth, can cause infections. In addition, biting them frequently could permanently damage them, as well as teeth and gums. But don’t worry: with a bit of skill, good will and these  tricks to avoid biting your nails that we are going to share with you,  you will improve the health of your hands!

Why are there people who do not stop biting their nails?

Nail biting is not just a matter of bad practice.

Although it is often thought to the contrary, nail biting is not just a matter of “naughtiness”, nervousness, desire, or negligence. This habit can have a psychological background and, many times, could indicate childhood trauma, as some experts indicate.

Onychophagia (which is what compulsive nail biting is called) can be a consequence of:

  • Vital drastic changes.
  • Episodes of nerves, anxiety or stress.
  • Obsessive states, by way of compulsion.
  • Other problems: frustration, anger, low self-esteem …

According to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, the best thing to do is “go to the expert, their diagnosis is very simple. Sometimes a psychologist will help us overcome anxiety, or other problems, improve self-esteem, and eliminate the feeling of guilt that the affect may have. Or also compulsive behaviors. Sometimes adults switch to tobacco or gum and give up that habit ”.

Nail biting: a bad habit with several health consequences

The hands are considered to reflect the health and safety of the person. Therefore, nail biting could have health, emotional and social implications.

Health and aesthetics

  • Nails are hosts for a wide variety of germs, which, when in contact with saliva, travel through the digestive tract and can cause diseases.
  • Damage to the cuticle and skin of the fingers can lead to bacterial and viral infections of the hands.
  • Deformation of the fingers can occur and the nail could be lost.
  • Chronic inflammation of the fingers.
  • Increased occurrence of cavities due to tooth damage.


  • Anxiety about the appearance of the hands.
  • Low selfsteem.
  • Lack of self-control.


  • The person may feel rejected by society.
  • Effects on personal relationships.
  • Labor problems: rejection in job interviews.

As you can see, not biting your nails can have many benefits on a psychological, emotional and social level. Read these 10 tricks and change your habits!

10 tricks to avoid biting your nails

Here are 10 simple tricks to avoid biting your nails that you can include in your daily life.

Note : The following tips to avoid biting your nails may not work for you. We recommend that you consult a specialist if the problem persists.

1. Self-awareness and liberation

First, you need to identify the situations that trigger your nail biting habit such as stroking, touching, patting, rubbing, or scratching your nails, which leads directly to putting them in your mouth.

The second step is to identify the moments when your habit is activated: exams, before making certain decisions …

The third step is to choose the activities that avoid the stress process and keep your hands busy: they should be things that you enjoy, such as sports, dancing, playing instruments, writing. In this way, you will be channeling your anxiety and will not damage your nails.

2. Replace your mania with plants

Start chewing edible plants like licorice root. In this way, you will avoid biting your nails, because the mouth will be entertained. It is important that you have this method on hand in times of stress, as it will help you focus.

3. Sugar-free gum

Does chewing gum prevent bad breath?

You might want to chew gum or mints whenever you feel an uncontrollable urge to bite your nails.

It will be triple beneficial: you will keep your hands busy, have fresh breath and avoid wrinkles due to the movements of the jaw muscles.

4. Aloe vera

The aloe vera or aloe plant has many good health properties. However, it is because of its bitter and unpleasant taste that there are those who take advantage of it as a remedy to stop biting their nails.

If you want to try it, follow these instructions: peel an aloe vera stalk with a knife and cut it into small squares. Put them in the fridge and rub one on your nails every morning. When you feel the unpleasant taste of aloe, you will not want to bite your nails.

Also read: 5 best benefits of aloe vera for health

5. Exercise of self-control

This exercise will help you control your desire to bite your nails:

  1. Bring one finger to your mouth and stop when you get within 2 inches of your lips.
  2. Put it away.
  3. Repeat this action several times and at increasingly closer distances.
  4. Try sticking your finger between your teeth for a couple of minutes without biting the nail. Repeat.

Do this exercise for a few minutes each day and you will soon be amazed at the results.

6. False nails

Covering your nails with other acrylics will allow the natural ones to grow. If your fake nails are expensive, you sure don’t want to ruin them.

7. Band-Aids for nails

Cover your nails with the bandage pad and keep them on every day (you can replace them every time you shower with fresh ones). The idea is that after a while you take them off and see how they look when they are born healthy. Repeat as many times as you need.

8. Take up a hobby

This activity will prevent you from biting your nails and, at the same time, you can discover a new passion. It can be any activity. It is recommended to work with materials such as clay or plaster, which keep hands dirty.

9. Gloves

If you are a fan of gloves, wear them. It is a good way to avoid onychophagia.

10. Celebrate your success

Celebrate your nails, and don’t have a hard time recognizing how good they look when you progress. Congratulations from friends and family will encourage you to continue having them healthy and beautiful.

It is worth more skill than strength

Now you have several ways to avoid onychophagia and remove it from your life forever. Cheer up! Step by step you will achieve your goal; it is a matter of will and perseverance.

Last but not least: remember that nail biting can start with the simple act of putting your fingers in your mouth, something that is very common in children. For this reason, it is convenient for parents to be attentive and correct the habit from an early age.

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