What Causes Blurred Vision And How To Treat It?

Do you see blurry? Don’t you know what the causes are? Today you will discover the reasons why you have blurred vision and how to combat it.

Thousands of people suffer from blurred or diffuse vision every day, a disorder that has many causes and that should not be ignored, especially when this problem is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, fatigue and nausea. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what causes it and how to avoid it.

Objects look bad, you can’t distinguish people (mostly faces), you have trouble reading or you feel like the letters are moving on your computer or book. If you have found yourself in any of these circumstances, it may be good to consult a specialist.

In this article you will find some facts about blurred vision, what it causes and how to help treat it. Beyond these recommendations, do not forget to go to a professional to give you their own verdict.

Causes of blurred vision

Glasses vision problems

Today we will discover some of the causes of blurred vision. Sometimes, as this post indicates, the causes could be that we suffer from dry eye. However, there are other options:

  • Astigmatism and myopia : These two vision problems make us see blurry, since we do not focus correctly and we do not see well from a distance. The way to solve this is through the use of glasses, contact lenses or operating.
  • Cataracts : they usually appear in people over 60 years of age and cause opacity in the cornea, blurred vision and progressive blurring of vision. It can be solved by carrying out a simple operation.
  • Diabetes : This disease can cause blurred vision due to imbalances that occur in sugar levels. If this symptom is ignored, it can lead to blindness.
  • Graves-Basedow disease : It is an autoimmune thyroid disease that causes weight loss, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and blurred vision. The operation is the best solution, but it carries great risk.
  • Multiple sclerosis : this neurodegenerative disease results in vision problems and urine leakage, among many other symptoms. At present, there is no solution that completely eradicates it.
  • Hypoglycemia – A sudden drop in blood sugar can lead to blurred vision, seizures, loss of consciousness, and anxiety. People with diabetes are more likely to get it, although anyone can get it.
  • Migraine : is a disabling headache that can cause blurred vision, as well as nausea and sensitivity to light and noise. It is solved by resting and consuming a specific drug for this problem that the doctor has prescribed.
  • High blood pressure and glaucoma : High pressure can show up in your eyes as glaucoma. This can lead to blurred vision, but it can be resolved with drugs or surgery.

How to avoid blurred vision

If you suffer from blurred vision regularly, it is recommended that you visit your doctor to determine if you suffer from any of the problems and diseases mentioned above.

Woman suffering from blurred vision

Even so, we recommend that you take into account the following keys, since they may be causing the blurred vision that you are suffering from.

Reduce stress

According to professionals from the Baviera Clinic, stress can cause blurred vision. Therefore, reducing it will help you lower your blood pressure and nervousness. Thus, you will be more serene and you will be able to see better. Hypertension is one of the worst enemies for your eyes because it wears them down.

If you have eye strain, it is also good to calm down a bit. Work on your anger and anxiety so they don’t cause you too much trouble.

Relax your eyes

If you have been working for a long time in front of your computer or laptop screen, you may have tired eyes, and that can cause blurry vision.

Close your eyes without getting up from your seat for a minute. Another option is, standing, place your index finger in front of your face and slowly move it closer and further away, while keeping your eyes fixed. Then do the same moving from right to left, as if it were a pendulum. You can only move your eyes, not your head.

Focus and blur

Pay attention to an object and stare at it. Then try to blur it and focus on its surroundings. One of the reasons we see blurry is because we are used to not focusing our eyes on something in particular.

Due to the hundreds of stimuli we receive daily, we do not take advantage of this way of exercising our eyesight, which will allow us to deal with blurred vision.

Take care of your diet

Surely you already know that water is your best ally to keep your whole body hydrated, including your eyesight. In addition, you can eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and that can damage the liver, the organ directly related to the eyes.

Healthy eating that lengthens your life.

Moreover, it may be very beneficial to increase intakes of vitamins of groups A and C. You will find them in citrus fruits, carrots, papaya, and broccoli.

Have healthier habits

Increase the font size of the screens to avoid having to bring the device so close to your eyes, do not read when the light is not enough (better if it is natural and not artificial), stay at least one meter away from the television and wear glasses for rest at work or when you get home if the ophthalmologist recommends it.

It is also good to spend time in rural or natural environments, such as the field or the beach. In this way, you will be able to work the width of the field of the eyes. As if it were a panoramic photograph, the view needs to rest from seeing many things all together, from the colors, the neon lights and the glare.

We hope that all these keys will help you improve your vision and take better care of it. We recommend that you put them into practice every day to obtain the results you are looking for, in addition to following the instructions of the ophthalmologist without exception.

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